Bounty Hunters - 08/31/2017

So, I feel really bad about this one. I got the calendar alert at 8PM the night before and thought, “Yeah, I’ll just wing it. Maybe some partner work or Dora 123. One of the classics. It’ll be aight.”

Then Wednesday night happened. My 2.0 was up no less than 3 times in the night, once with poop all over the place. So when my alarm went off at 4:15 AM (so I had enough time to get to Apex), I darn near fartsacked.

And maybe I should have. This wasn’t my best Q, and for that I have to apologize to the PAX. My heart was in it, but my brain wasn’t working the way it needed to in order to make coherent sentences. So the PAX were left wondering what to do half the time.

Plus I didn’t have a watch. What a cluster.


Run to a parking lot somewhere (think. Think. THINK. THINK!!)


SSH, Good morning, Imperial Walkers, Merkins


Count off (of course, odd number). Get in groups of three and watch me do my best work.

3-man weave - One guy in the picnic shelter doing something, one guy on the fence doing BTTW, then third guy Bear Crawls from fence to shelter. Rotate through this cycle three times.

I don’t even know what I was thinking with that ^^^

Next, run over to the other lot, 3-man weave again. One partner on either end of the lot - one doing merkins, the other doing WWIIs, third guy running between. Rotate through until I call quits.

(This is the one and only thing I was proud of…doing this part of the three man weave, PAX found themselves running and rather than jogging, these men were getting into foot-races with each other - Big shout to Crimson for starting it all. Dude challenged another guy and everyone took notice and started getting after it. Hell yes.)

Next, we’re going to run around the soccer field, doing 10 merkins, 10 squats, and 10 LBCs at each corner. After that, one more lap around to the shovel flag. Be sure to step in as much dog crap as you can…

My shoes still have poop on them. And it’s been 2 weeks. There’s a common theme here if you look hard enough.


We did Mary, but I can’t remember specifically what we did.


Count-o-rama: 21, I believe

Name-o-rama: 21, I still believe

Announcements: Mmmmmmm

Prayers: Yes.


Man, it’s been a rough month. My kid has been all sorts of sick (hand/foot/mouth disease, then a stomach bug, then an ear infection, with diarrhea because of the antibiotics), and the M got hand, foot, and mouth from the kid and was absolutely miserable for two weeks, and we haven’t slept in a month. I knew there was gunna be sleep deprivation when the kid was a newborn, but nobody told me about this!! C’mon guys, a little heads up woulda been nice.

But, I did get a laugh out of Goose. So that sorta made the whole day worth it. I also met a couple guys I hadn’t met before (b/c they workout in Apex, which is 100 million miles away), so that was pretty cool.

Hey, if you were at this one, let me know and I’ll tag you. I’m only can be sure about a few PAX being there - Goose, GTL, Blue and Out, Crimson and me. But I know there were more (GTL and B’n’O were my partners, Crimson challenged the world to a foot race, and Goose laughed at me).

Thanks for letting me lead



See also