Clubbing with a Lady

As I was perusing Slack yesterday, to my surprise, I stumbled upon a post from Pickles announcing that I was Q-ing Claymore on 11/27.  HOLY CRAP!  I completely forgot I signed up.  The bad thing was I looked at the Claymore Q sign-up sheet before seeing the post and still did not notice that I signed to Q today.  Thanks Pickles for the reminder.  I’m so glad I saw it because it gave me a little time to think about what I wanted to do.  Working out with a coupon is my forte because you can do many things with them and it changes the pace of a normal bootcamp workout.  What am I going to do to ensure I meet the pax expectation for a solid workout?  What will challenge them?  I remembered on multiple backblast and posts about pain sticks.  The common theme for them is, THEY $&€#!  Why not!  Hence, the callout on #mumblechatter channel to locate them so I can pick them up. Off I went with the help from Disco Duck … Thank you Disco for your help!  As the night wore on, I continued to ponder the beat down with those wonderful coupons which I dubbed “Lady”.  After careful deliberation in my own mind, I developed a plan.  The original title for this BB was “Dance with the Lady”.  As the workout went out, it changed to its current title.  Read on to find out why.

As I woke up this morning, and checked the temperature, my brain had a delayed reaction looking at the temperature.  I almost woke up the M when my inside voice belted, “WHAT A GREAT DAY, it is a balmy 33⁰.”  I got dressed for the weather, but not too much, because I knew what was in store.

To my surprise, Disco Duck arrived first.  TRUE HIM knowing that we were going to use the pain sticks this morning.  As the rest of the pax arrived, Sooey was the only one who noticed the “ladies” hanging out in the back of my truck.  Time struck 0530 and I introduced the “ladies” to the pax and said not to be shy.  As they selected their date, I also stated they will have plenty of time to get acquainted.

Warm Up

We moseyed to our warm-up area. GM, cotton pickers, Sir Fazio (forward and thumbs up), air presses, Moroccan Nightclubs, SF reverse, merkins (wide, standard, diamond), and squats.

To close out the warm-up, I had the pax line -up on a parking curb so we can dance to some AC/DC Thunderstruck.  Now that everyone is warmed up.  We were ready for The Thang.

The Thang

We did not mosey anywhere.  I pulled out the Deck of Pain.  I even shuffled them twice to let the pax know, I did not stack the deck.  Did you ever wonder if someone was watching and stacked the deck?  Well I think and truly believe there is a mysterious force out there and he/she stacked the deck.  As you know, Pet Sounds started the Q-Source 3rdF group which meets every Monday.  I learned about the King.  For those who missed it, our designated King is the fitness in our life.  Well, you determine if the King is going to show or not.  This morning, the King was there and ready to make us work.  This is the routine:

Deck modification:  2-4 in any suit is considered 5.

Clubs: Carolina Wine Maker

Diamonds: pain stick presses

Hearts: pain stick curls

Spades: MCM - Mountain Climbers with a Merkin

Aces / Joker:  PAX call core exercise with/without pain stick

After 8 cards: run / walk the designated pickle.

As each pax pulled a card and called it out, it was a normal pull until a mysterious force (fate) got involved.  We started to hear clubs on top of clubs (10, 11, 5, 7, 13, etc.) … Carolina Wine Makers for days!  Hence, the renaming of the title.  Clubs ruled the morning.  We did not spend much time with our “Lady”.  They were quite lonely and disappointed.  After 3 rounds of the Deck of Clubs, QIC directed the pax to pick-up their “Lady” and escort her back to the truck to send her on her merry way.

After dropping off our ladies, we circled up to pay homage to our other favorite lady, Mary.  I was not sure if we were going to get to all the pax but made the attempt.  WWII, Hello Dolly, Freddie Mercs, American Hammers, Homer-to Marge, box cutters, burpees, and if we did not have enough CWM, Disco Duck calls for more Carolina Wine Maker.  We closed it out with have a nice day with 5 secs to spare.  What a morning!


Count-a-rama: 1 hate, 5 mehs, and 2 Respects.

Name-o-rama:  Cataracts, Crimson, Disco Duck, Leprechaun, Sooey, Pickles, Two-Factor, and YHC.

Announcements: A bunch of announcements (JOCO Clown Car, F3 Christmas Party, Operation Sweet Tooth, South Wake CSAUP, Krispy Kreme Challenge)

Prayer/Praises: DD M (Kelly) for healing.  Pickles brother F3 Pinball for guidance and direction during his career transition.

YHC took us out.


The pax stated YHC / QIC stacked the deck.  I said it was how it was supposed to be.  The King spoke and we went clubbing all morning.  It is always a pleasure to be out with you gentlemen. Sorry we couldn’t spend more time with your Lady but the King spoke and we had to club it stag.  I was fatigue drunk from all the wine we made.  What a blessed morning!  Until next my F3 Brothers!

See also