Clowning Around the Track in the Gloom

Date: 2/28/2019


AO: Flying-Circus

PAX:  Badlands, Beaker, Biner, Ezekiel, Geek Squad, Goose, Kilmer, Lawn Dart, Nature Boy, Silverback, Sky Blue, Trike, WWW,

Warm-up: GM (You can’t have a great day without a good morning), hamstring stretches, calf stretches with some CFMs x5 for each leg, Sir Fazios.

We mosey top the track for some clowning around.

Thang 1: 4 pain stations strategically stationed around the track (backward run btw stations)

1: 50 standard merkins

2: 25 monkey humpers 4 count

3: 15 burpees

4: 25 squat jumps

5: forward run a full lap

Repeato - modified

1: 25 standard merkins

2: 25 monkey humpers 4 count

3: 7 burpees

4: 25 squat jumps

5: forward run another lap

Mosey to end of the track

Thang 2

1: lunge walk 6 steps - 50 merkins de-escalator by 5.  I had to modify and increase the lunges because 6 steps came way to quickly.  Mosey to the other end of the track.

Mosey towards the basketball courts with a pit stop on the stairs.  Split into two groups with on PAX on a stair for some calf raises, on my down x 25.

Continue our mosey to the BB court.

Thang 3:

Partner up … P1 suicides while P2 People’s Chair for 2 rounds.

Circle up for some Mary

1stexercise: Squatter 100 but with some EC … 150

PAX call favorite Mary exercise

Count-a-rama: 13

Name-a-rama: See PAX list above … my bad because I could not remember all the RESPECTs in the house.  So I cannot give you an accurate count.

Announcements:  The Mule in 2 weeks, Soul Train end of March, Breaking Bread at SnS … stay tuned to Slack for the definite date (Tentative and based on the weather, 3/6/19).

Prayers/Praises: Crimson FIL, Sooey’s recovery, Ausfarht’s recovery, Swag’s M’s recovery, Sosa and his family for the new edition to the family, for the unspoken prayers.


Breaking Bread is a must do for all the HIMs to hear the testimonies of Liverpool and Water Wing’s about their F3 missionary trip to Chimbote, Peru.

Ezekiel hit the RESPECT, yesterday … Happy Birthday, Brother!!!

You HIMs are AWESOME!!!

I’m grateful for the opportunity and I’m honored to have led you this morning.

See also