Closing out Claymore for 2019

A small but spirited group gathered for the last Carpex limited-run workout of 2019 at Claymore. Conditions were near perfect, with temps in the mid-40’s and dry conditions. Half Pike led us in the pledge and we went off for a stroll around the pickle. Leprechaun and Half Pike took off at top speed until they realized that they didn’t know where we would wind up. We wound our way back to the flag for some warmups:

  • Good Mornings x 10 IC
  • Motivators, counting down from 5 with each PAX taking a turn counting
  • Sir Fazios, forward and reverse x 10 IC
  • Standard Merkins x 10 IC

Mosey over to the pool parking lot for Thang 1:

  • Escalators with ascending, then descending reps at each corner of the parking lot, lunge walks between. 5, 10, 15, 20, 20, 15, 10, 5 of the following:
    • Merkins
    • LBCs
    • Plank Jacks
    • Squats

Over to the rock pile where each PAX picks their favorite rock of 2019; something not too oversize, but heavy enough to make you a little uncomfortable. We do a quick round of 7’s with Curls for Girls and Tricep Extensions, carrying overhead in between.

YHC does a quick time check and we’re down to 3 minutes. Back to the flag for a quick Mary:

  • Freddy Mercury’s x 20 IC
  • American Hammers x 10 IC
  • Standard Merkins called by Half Pike x 10
  • Have a Nice Day


  • New Year’s Day Convergence at SNS
  • Q Swap Week with South Wake

Prayer Requests

  • Return to order for the Sputnik household after redoing their floors
  • Sanity for YHC in trying to wrap up a bigger-than-expected bathroom remodel project

YHC took us out in prayer.


  • YHC really enjoyed chatting with Re-Entry and hearing a bit of his story.
  • Great to see a couple of “hates” out there in Half Pike and Leprechaun.
  • Always a pleasure to lead you men.

See also