Clock n' Bells, In Cadence

Beautiful 50-ish degree Monday morning for Hell’s Bells and celebrating YHC’s 4th year in F3. Disco Duck is there early and helps get the bells out because we’re going to need them. Eleven men ready to go, including Crimson, sans-driver. We circle up… no, wait, let’s say the pledge first. Now circle up for our warm-up, everything in 4-count cadence:

  • 5 Good Mornings
  • 10 Sir Fazios
  • 10 Fazio Sirs
  • 10 Imperial Walkers
  • 10 Cherry Pickers
  • 10 Standard Merkins

Thang 1:

Count off into 4 groups. Working around the pickle as though it were a clock, the group at 12 walks the pickle doing kettle bell thrusts as they go. The other three groups are at 3, 6 and 9 o’clock, doing the following

  • 3 o’clock: KB curls
  • 6 o’clock: goblin squats
  • 9 o’clock: upright rows

As the 12 o’clock group comes around, each group rotates to the next station. Repeat until each group has done each station.

Repeat, but this time with the followings:

  • 12 o’clock: walking while doing around the world with KB
  • 3 o’clock: tricep extensions
  • 6 o’clock: lawn mowers
  • 9 o’clock: KB lunges between the legs

Thang 2

Borrowed and modified this one from Clockwork’s Q at Claymore. Line up along the parking lot, 1 PAX per space. First guy does 5 4-count KB Merkins, while others do Rock Your Bodies. Crimson points out that these are 8-count exercises, but YHC corrects him and points out that they are 4-count up and 4-count down. After completing the Merkins 1st PAX moves to the end of the line. Repeat until each PAX has done the merkins part once. Repeat, this time with one PAX doing 10 4-count American Hammers while others do KB swings.

Perfectly timed, with 6 minutes remaining, so we…

Circle up for Mary

  • 10 LBCs with KB IC
  • 10 Freddy Mercury’s with KB IC
  • 10 Merkins
  • 10 more American Hammers
  • 10 Pickle Pounders
  • 10 Homer to Marge
  • Have a Nice Day


11 PAX - 2 Honors, 5 Respects, 4 Meh


  • New AO, Cougartown launching tomorrow, 0530 at Apex Elementary
  • Passing of the flag at Disturbing the Peace tomorrow

Prayers and praises

  • Praises for a good health review for Yahoo!’s son-to-be, Oleg.
  • Prayers that God continue to have his hand in that process for them and that they soon be able to bring Oleg to the US.
  • Continued prayers for Crimson’s nephew Derek as he battles cancer in the hospital in New York.
  • Prayers for Carpex PAX on IR who aren’t able to work out right now and that we continue to walk alongside them and encourage them as they recover.


  • Total brain cramp as YHC tried to set up the first thang this morning. It was supposed to be curls, KB swings and squats but totally spaced out on the KB swings.
  • Switched it up later and did the swings as part of the second thang, so all good.
  • Hard to believe that 4 years have passed since PBX encouraged me to come out to Bond Park at 0545 on a Wednesday morning, but also hard to imagine life without the impact that F3 has had upon me.

See also