Clock, block, and rock work

Inspired earlier in the week by Hermes’ rule [1], YHC grabbed the Q yesterday morning, and then was unexpectedly roped into 3 separate happy hours (2 liquor-themed, 1 beer) that afternoon (all virtual, MADD can rest assured) so planning time consisted of waking up, throwing on some clothes, and the 10-min drive in. Theismann was already there doing pull-ups. Earhart showed up looking like a teenager with a serious case of bedhead. Biner jogged in all the way from Green Mile after chasing off a bunch of guys on wheels. Open Concept rolled in windows down, redneck music up. Recently liberated Rooney now posts on Saturdays. And Run-off rolled in with 20s left on the clock.

Needless to say, this was shaping up to be an excellent post for the reinvigoration of male community leadership.


A travelling warmup, as YHC had to make it up as we went along.

  • Don Quixotes, IC x10
  • Some other things I don’t have names for, but resembling a good morning

Mosey some more. Pax were unimpressed with the first warmup, so YHC decided to try again with a real one.

  • Monkey humpers, IC x13
  • Rockette Hillbillies, right side, IC x10
  • TIE Fighters, right side & forwards, IC x10
  • OH claps, IC x10
  • TIE Fighters, left side & backwards, IC x10
  • Rockette Hillbillies, left side, IC x10

Thang 1, Clock Work

Mosey to basketball court.

Clock merkins

  • Run down the clock: Plank and move clockwise, 1 merkin at each hour
  • Wind back the clock: Plank and move counterclockwise around 12 o’clock –> 3 o’clock –> 6 o’clock –> 9 o’clock, At each point, do 5 merkins
  • Reset the clock: 6 hand-release merkins
  • People’s chair to rest
  • Repeato for 38 x 2 = 76 merkins

Earhart had the biggest clock, at least the first time around.

Finished with 2 more to hit 78 total for the #onehundredmerkins challenge…join us in Slack.

Thang 2, (Run around the) Block Work

Double 7’s up and down the hill to the corner.

  • Bottoms, do Copperhead squats, IC
  • Corner, do single-leg calf raises, L/R is 1

Count works like:

  • Start at bottom, do 6 to start the first seven.
  • Run to corner, do 1 to complete the first seven. Then immediately do another count of 1 to start the next seven.
  • Run to other bottom, do 6 to complete the first seven. Then immediately do another 5 to start the next seven.
  • When you get back to corner, you do 2 to finish one seven, then another 2 to start the next.

Neither the complex count nor the brisk uphill pace could deter the mumblechatter, which was ebullient. Probably what caused a runner-qua-poetess in purple to change routes so abruptly.

Thang 3, Rock Work

Station 1 around the pond

  • Group A: Curls
  • Group B: Run pickle with 5 pull-ups
  • Repeato w/ triceps

Station 2 up the hill

  • Group A: OH presses
  • Group B: Run backwards up the hill, mosey down
  • Repeato w/ rows

Had to quell a mini-mutiny at this point, by killing people with kindness. “Yes, sir, backwards up the hill. No, sir, freed to lead with carrying the rock backhill.”

Return rocks



  • Rolling arm
  • Overhead arm
  • Scarecrow into toe-touches
  • Downward dog walks
  • Bent over lean to right then left leg with knee bends
  • Triangles
  • Tree


Announcements: Site changeover at Piranha Park next Saturday. Green Mile Q sheet is also open. Chaingang road cleanup in August. September & October will also be busy months for F3 Carpex.

Prayers & Praises: Everyone travelling. Praises for Run-off’s parents for their 50-yr anniversary, birthdays, and positive health outlooks.

I really enjoyed this morning. Great way to pull myself up from the fog of Friday night and begin to make it a great weekend!


[1] Hermes rule, as recorded in the Good Hill Hunting backblast from Captain Jack this week, is to take the average attendance of your regular AOs and don’t let that number of weeks go by without Qing there. Otherwise, you’re taking more than you give. If you want to be HOTY, or just a HIM in general, listen up!


  • 3 respects, 4 meh’s (2 barely having escaped hate status).
  • Mid 70s, sunny, 75% humid, but there was a breeze.
  • 3 mi. Also YHC is on Strava now, so here’s the activity from this morning.

See also