Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose.

On August 2, 2017 Shakin’ not Stirred became Friday (Wednesday) Night Lights with the Carpex Fighting Fish.

29 PAX arrived for practice. Also, the Carpex cross-country team headed out with 5 in toe (sorry Ma Bell) for a Vesper’s conditioning run.

First a tip of the coaching visor to Burt for the modify as needed t-shirt and the love for YHC, Hello Kitty.

With fire in their bellies Coach Kitty gave a rousing pre-game speech (some got emotional), telling the team that by giving all they had on this day we would be ready to take on Bingville on Friday night. With that:


  • Pledge of Allegiance to the Red, White and Blue and the team headed out, passing the football along the way, making sure that our soul on a roll never touched the ground (you know if you dropped it… you know who you are).
  • High knees, butt kickers, and karaoke until we reached Carpex Stadium (the lower field at Bond Park).
  • Circle up for SSH, Good Mornings, Sir Fazio Arm Circles, and Imperial Walkers.
  • Finally, before a 3-part Thang, we couldn’t end warm-ups without an old school 2 rounds of follow the football (side shuffle, back, and front through the ball).


  • Thang 1.0: Teammate shared exercise, as 1 PAX ran to the football and back, the other PAX got after it:
    • 50 merkins, 100 squats, and 150 LBC’s. H/T to Team Captain Hermes for leading a plank round as teams finished.
  • Thang 2.0: With the team well lubricated at this point, it was time to head to the middle of Carpex Stadium for what YHC can only assume was our first ever round of Bull in the Burpee Ring.
    • 2 PAX went head-to-head to a 5-count of burpees. The winner picked the next PAX to enter the ring (and so-on and so-forth). PAX did foot chops and squat holds while not in the ring. Emotions ran high, and the competition was intense. Nice work, fellas. Upon getting all of the bulls through the ring, we Coach Bryant Crawled up the big hill.
  • Thang 3.0: After the team moseyed over to the community center parking lot, 2 PAX volunteered to grab 2 yuge rocks. The PAX were split into teams (somewhat evenly) and another competition was added to the workout.
    • Race: 5 curls for each PAX. Losing team did burpees while the winners ate first and took a lap.
    • Race: 5 rock press for each PAX. Losing team did burpees while the winners took a lap.
    • Race: 5 tricep extensions for each PAX. Losing team … well this one fell a part a little.
    • Race: 5 rock rows for each PAX. Entire team did 5 burpees and we headed back towards the flag.
    • A round of Bill Belichick Runs (2 groups) to the flag.


  • Hermes on the call with merkins
  • Bartman on the call with American Hammers
  • Angry Elf on the call with the Bizzaro Mountain Climber



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Announcements: Back pack buddies runs through Thursday (8/3), F3 Dads is 8/26 (See Groupme for info), FIA rolls again this Saturday at Bond (8 am - but check with Saban for details), PetSounds needs PAX to get involved with expansion (check with him for more info)

Prayers: Healing hands for Stephanie after her bicycle accident, and for Reapto’s friend and her father’s heart attack. Praises up for VQ’s rocking it this week and Aspertame’s new little one.

It was an honor to lead you men on the field this morning, and remember, IT’S NOT YOUR STRENGTH THAT HOLDS YOU TO YOUR PURPOSE, IT’S THE STRENGTH OF THE PURPOSE ITSELF. LIVE YOUR WHY, AND GO GET ‘EM!

See also