Claymore EMOM

Headed to Claymore a bit early to scout out a spot to do PU’s. Turns out we got nothin there to hang from so it was time for an audible. Had some fun worked out on the tennis courts but need a bit more daylight so… audible II.

2 Frisco and Skipper enjoyed a morning walk together with heavy back packs, I think it was called something that rhymes with Puck. Ask Burt he knows. 2 for EC!

Calvin came running in literally as the clock hit 5:45am. Disclaimer was disclaimed and 1st exercise was the Pledge.

After a very short job around the pickle we settled in for Warm-ups.


G-mornings Crimson did 1

Carolina Dry Docks

Sir Fazio


Control Freak Merkin

Side Straddle Hop

Thang 1

Mosey to the Jungle GYM

Partner up in groups of 3. Based on my audible it didn’t really matter. Each HIM did the following

100 Carolina Dry Docs

100 Dips

100 LBCs


Tennis Courts

EMOM (Every Min on the Min)

15 Merkins sprint across the length of the Tennis court rest the remainder of the minute

15 LBCs sprint across the Tennis Court rest the remainder

My plan was to do 10 rounds, I think we did 12. The Pax was awfully quiet at this point. Mission accomplished. The right balance of burst and rest focusing on the shoulders and abs. Their M’s will thank me ;)

Mosey back with about 12 min of Mary. Sure wish EarharT was there.


Freddie Murks 30

Homer to Marge 30

Control Freak Merks 10

Sosa lead us in Superman’s to stretch out the lower back

YHC continued with Calf stretch we need more of this/ Quad Stretch / Pigeon pose and Child’s pose finishing with Have a Nice Day

COT: Announced Ausphart’s Tortoise return with TC VQ.

NanTan collecting $ or school supplies this week

Prayers and Praises: Skipper for his job interview and close friend who is fighting Cancer. O’doul’s FIL, and Family travel.

See also