Claymore 9/21/21: Shuffle up and squeal

Ten brave PAX found their way to the constructioniest site in central Cary on a beautiful Tuesday morning, hoping for a dose of pain. The Deck of Death was there to deliver. Pre-event mumblechatter was relocated to the first base side in hopes of avoiding any Karen-related altercations.

Short warm-up: SSH, MC, Merkins, and some BartmArmORama. Mosey to the rock pile and grab an ego rock.

Foie Gras, VHS, and Kinky Boots were briefed on the Deck of Death:

  • Aces = 15 reps. Faces = 10 reps, all other cards are of value as shown.
  • Hearts = 4-count flutter kicks, coupon overhead
  • Diamonds = curls
  • Clubs = overhead press
  • Spades = 8-count bodybuilder: Crouch, legs back, plank jack out, in, down merkin, up, legs to hands, stand/jump.

The Q’s were told we could work through the deck in any order they chose. They chose to shuffle, though we had an unfortunate run of spades that Repeato thankfully rectified. Jokers = run to split-rail fence and back.

We made it through about half the deck (with both Jokers) before time was called. A glorious sunset was observed and good coffee was had.

See also