
“Hey, it’s 5:43, we should probably stop doing pull-ups and head over to the flag.” With that, 3 of the 8 total PAX we’d have for Claymore today made their way to the area where the flag sometimes rests. That is, when a site Q shows up to Claymore and has a flag.

And with that, Frisco comes in hot, on 2 wheels tearing into the parking lot.

With the flag.

Silently in his new electric ride.

Disclaimer was given and the mission of F3 was stated. First exercise, pledge of allegiance.

Warm Up

SSHs, Sir Fazio, Seal Claps, Plank Jacks, CF Merkins and Steve Earles

The Thang

Short mosey to the pickle by the tennis courts. Time for a Sharknado - sort of. Consisted of:

  • 15 Burpees, bear crawl 1 lap
  • 20 Diamond merkins, lunge walk 1 lap
  • 20 WWII Sit-ups, bear crawl 1 lap
  • 20 Merkins, lunge walk 1 lap
  • 20 Scorpion Dry Docks, bear crawl 1 lap
  • Repeat for 25 minutes total

Once the PAX had finished, mosey to the parking lot near the playground. Partner up in groups of 3. Partner 1 does LBCs, while Partner C runs to the playground and does 5 pull-ups. Complete about 3 rounds of this, then back to the flag.


American Hammers, CF Merkins, Have a Nice Day


3 Respects, 1 Hate, 4 Mehs. Announcements were announced, prayers and praises were given, and YHC took us out.


  • TCEPs for Cory Gensler, son of Press On, for being named the Big South Conference Men’s Basketball Scholar-Athlete of the Year! I could go on and on about Cory and his family, but I’ll just say this is very well deserved.
  • We covered 0.95 miles!
  • The playlist was heavy GnR today, but we finished up with a little Cherry Pie by Warrant. Who doesn’t remember THAT video???
  • Doing a Sharknado like this is really freaking hard. We didn’t strictly keep numbers because there was a good amount of modification needed. YHC completed 2.0 rounds and it all sucked.
  • TClaps to Sputnik for bringing Half-Pike out. Remember our little guys and girls are always watching us. Set the right example.
  • We finished up with a pick of the boys in blue in honor of Dear Diary, and his fight against cancer. Stay strong brother!
  • Begin your day with integrity. Fill your day with integrity. And finish the day as you started. Credit to Khakis for this message and theme.
  • With that said, MIAGD and be just a smidge better than yesterday!

See also