Class Participation

Big crowd this morning for a holiday week, lots of familiar faces, some new guys I hadn’t met, and two FNGs. Give the FNGs the Disclaimer (in perfect cadence) and we’re off!


Take a lap around the parking lot then mosey over to the lot next to the pavilion and circle up for side straddle hops, imperial walkers, prisoner squats, plank jacks, merkins and Good Mornings. Because you can’t Have A Nice Day without a Good Morning.

The Thang

Mosey over to the astroturf field and Barry Sanders for one lap (Indian run where the man in the back makes his way to the front by weaving in between the rest of the pax).

Line up on the end line. Man on the far end bear crawls to the top of the goalie box, then sprints back while PAX perform AMRAP OYO merkins. When the first man returns he yells “Recover” and calls the next AMRAP OYO exercise of his choice. Continue until all PAX have had a turn. So much fun, let’s do it again!

Barry Sanders around the field.

Line up on the end line, partner up, nothing matters. Partners alternate between BTTW and squats until they have combined for fifty.

All you got to midfield, recovery mosey to the other end. Repeato back to where we started.

Partners alternate between BTTW and merkins until they have combined for fifty.

All you got to midfield, recovery mosey to the other end. Repeato back to where we started. Repeato one more time to the other end.


Circle up and go around the circle with the PAX calling various exercises. The only one I remember is Squatter calling something that went up to a hundred, and that was after I asked him to give us the short version. He can explain it in his next back blast.


Count-a-rama:  20 Name-a-rama:  5 RESPECTs, 11 meh, 4 HATEs Prayers / Praises:  Prayers for all the PAX and their families who are travelling this week. BOM:  YHC took us out


Welcome FNGs Buttermaker and Roxanne.

Nice to see some first timers and first time in a long timers visiting FOD. I encourage all the PAX to participate in the Tour de Carpex this month, hit some of the AOs you’ve never visited, meet some of the men you’ve never posted with.

There was a barefoot runner on the astroturf field when we started. I invited him to join us, but he passed. Maybe he’s more of a Rush Hour kind of guy.

Sprints at the end reminded me of the football and basketball practices of my younger days.

We had to do a few penalty/reward burpees when Journey rolled in late. But I like this kid. He’s a teenager, he stayed up late playing video games, he slept through his alarm, but he still got his butt up and into the gloom, even though he knew he’d be late. High Impact Young Man.

Lots of fathers and sons this morning, Air Supply and Journey, Red Ryder and Nerf, Kilmer and Brosef. The future is in good hands.

Keeping with the family theme, I think half the guys there this morning are Liverpool’s brother-in-law.

Happy Independence Eve!

See also