Cinder Block Pyramids

I wanted to make this one brutal so I scoured through F3 Greenwood’s IronPAX challenges and merged a few of them together to come up with this. While I was at my work/geek convention (i.e. KubeCon) in San Diego I ran through this workout at the hotel with a 30lb kettlebell (the heaviest one they had unfortunately). In short, it sucked, but do-able. So I grabbed all of the cinder blocks and two spare KB from Hell’s Bells the night before. Dropped them off around at 0515 in the parking lot out of sight, and then headed to the flag.


  • Good Mornings
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Sir Fazio Fwd
  • Seal Clap
  • Sir Fazio Reverse
  • Runners stretch
  • 5 McKenzie Merkins (Upward Dog)

Only Thang: Cinder Block Pyramids

Partnered up, and while one partner ran the pickle the other grabbed the cinder block and worked sequentially through the pyramid below. I learned from this I could have done a much better job explaining it, but folks picked it up pretty fast. A better explanation would have been showing them the first round (1MM and 10 Block Merkins), followed by me moving immediately to the second round (2MM and 20 Squats). When you finish start working back down the pyramid. Anyhow, the best thing about Q’ing is I learn something every time I do it. Such as avoid engineering terms like “order of magnitude” at 0530.

1 Man Makers → 10 Block Merkins
2 Man Makers → 20 Squats w/ Block
3 Man Makers → 30 Rows
4 Man Makers → 40 KB Swings
5 Man Makers → 50 Block Merkins
6 Man Makers → 60 Squats w/ Block
7 Man Makers → 70 Rows
8 Man Makers → 80 KB Swings
9 Man Makers → 90 Merkins
10 Man Makers → 100 Squats

With about 4 minutes to go we grabbed the coupons and ran back to the flag with the coupons. Sub’s and Term Paper’s cinder block was our only reported casualty.


  • Plank-o-Rama courtesy of Theismann
  • Control Freak Merkins courtesy of Red Ryder

COR - 28 / 4 Respects

Convergence on Thanksgiving Day at Bradford’s Ordinary.
Christmas part on 12/12 check slack for details.
Red Ryder reminded everyone that there is a lot of opportunities for newer Qs such as YHC (my 3rd Q).

Red Ryder’s friend fighting Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.
Term Paper’s mother, Ellen recovering from surgery, and his father as her caretaker.
Ramsay’s father having hip surgery.
Safe Travels for everyone on the road.

YHC took us out.

One thing that stuck with me after this was something Red Ryder told me. The F3 Greenwood PAX said workouts should be tough and pushing you mentally/physically always. In summary, they should always suck.

See also