Cinder Block Mayhem

Cinder blocks … $1.68 at Lowes … priceless F3 beatdown material.

YHC is always excited to Q at Tortoises to work on shoulders and arms and overall use-able strength. Yes, this is a limited run workout, but it is still a beatdown.

Warm-up: SSH IC, good mornings, arm circles forward and backward. Everyone grabbed a cinder block and fast walked from the lower parking lot to the upper parking lot.

Thang 1: We partnered up. Round 1: At one end of the parking lot, partner 1 began curls with the block while partner 2 did bear crawl to the end of the parking lot and back and then they flap-jacked; round 2 was over-head presses with the block while partner 2 did crab walk down and back, then switch; round 3 was rock rows with the block while partner 2 did broad jumps down and back, then switch; round 4 was squats with the block while partner 2 did bear crawl again down and back, then switch. After those 4 rounds we did some quick feet on the curbs, then repeato of the 4 rounds.

Thang 2: “Catch me if you can” in slow motion - from a starting line partner 1 with the block walked to a parking space line and did a “blerkin” i.e., put the block down on the ground and did a merkin on the block then stood up and lifted the block to the next parking space line for another blerkin; partner 2 ran around the pickle back to partner 1; they then switched and kept this pattern back and forth until the partner doing the blerkins got back to the starting line.

By this time, we were sick of the cinder blocks, but YHC couldn’t give them up. We walked with the blocks overhead to the grassy space by the picnic tables. Six PAX then went to the pull-up bars to do AMRAP pull-ups until burned out, while the other PAX did mary exercises, some with the block and some without.

After all the pull-ups, we grabbed the blocks and walked over to the parking lot. Now that our arms and shoulders were toasted, YHC wanted to see who could lift the block over-head the longest … dumb question because brother Hermes posted up at Tortoises. Still, this is what we did: all PAX held the block over-head, as soon as someone could hold it no longer and brought it down that PAX member had to begin a bear crawl; in this way all PAX members eventually were doing the bear crawl of shame while Hermes continued to hold up his cinder block (who knows he might still be there now holding up his cinder block, you should go check). After this fun, we all took our cinder blocks back to their original pile.

Last: 10 burpees OYO … just because it’s Tortoises, and we do burpees at Tortoises.

COT: Announcements - F3 dads on Saturday; Kubota BBQ is this Friday raising $$ for his international adoption (check SLACK for more details); CSAUP in Greenville next Saturday (talk to Freebird or Yogi if interested in a clown car);

Prayer / Praise: prayers for Chipper’s mom, Disco Duck’s M, Spartan’s M, and Goose’s son. YHC took us out.

NMS: Hermes is a beast … the reigning cinder block champ; strong work on everyone’s part; an honor to Q, thank you, men.

See also