Chuck Norris Turns 80

March 10, 2020 marked the 80th b-day of Chuck Norris, so being Texas Ranger, I had to celebrate. Seven other lucky PAX came along with me at AO-Claymore.

Warm-up: 80 SSH single count, 8 good mornings, 8 hill billy. Done.

The Beatdown: We moseyed over to the rock pile and YHC instructed the PAX to pick out a big A*S rock. You know, one that Chuck Norris would be proud of. We lifted said rocks over our heads and walked out of the park, across the street to the greenway trail. At the trailhead I explained the next 40 minutes of our miserable / glorious lives. We would do 8 sets total of 10 burpees, 10 curls, 10 overhead press, 10 tricep extension, and 10 rock rows each. Between each set we would travel with our rocks down the trail a little further. After 4 sets we came to a “T” in the trail, at which some PAX ran down the greenway to the right to Cary Parkway and back. It was a nice little jog to break up the brutal burpees and rock work. Then, we traveled back the trail to the AO site while doing 4 more sets, for a total of 8 sets and 80 of each exercise. After putting our rocks back, we capped it all off with 8 WWII situps.

COT: Welcome FNG Doc Oc = he is a chiropractor who is afraid of spiders. Announcements - Raleigh’s csaup The Mule this Saturday and trip to Burgaw or 5k run on March 21st. YHC took us out in prayer.

NMS: Fellas, it was an awesome morning. I loved being out on the trail. The weather was perfect. Good fellowship along the way. Thank you for the opportunity to lead.

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