Christmas Tour D'Apex

14 gathered on a beautiful crisp Thursday morning in December.

I love tacky Christmas decorations, so we will go on a tour of DT Apex

Beignet Food Truck for warm up

SSH x 15

IW x 15

GM x 10

Jump Squats x 15

Pizza Hut

Merkins, Squats, WW2s x 5

Cigar Shop

Merkins, Squats, WW2s x 10

Apex Baptist

Merkins, Squats, WW2s x 15

Sun Trust

Merkins, Squats, WW2s x 20

Apex Baptist lower lot

Bear Crawl/Crawl Bear 7s with Irkins and Derkins

Apex United Methodist circle

Extended plank work

Sharknado zone (actually Cheddar Bo parking area)

Merkins, Squats, WW2s x 25

Skate Park

Hammers x 25




Operation Sweet Tooth final days

Christmas Party Dec 13 – Sign up! 100ish so far

Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints – lots of festivities this weekend, including Handel’s Messiah on Saturday evening. Check slack for info from Imp, who will be there from 5-7 and probably later to watch his Mom sing.

Christmas Parade this Saturday


Right before the start, a FIA car slowed up to inform Free Bird that Ausfahrt was severely injured in motorcycle accident but we don’t have many details yet.


It’s been a year since I Q’ed BH and knew that I wanted to mozy through beautiful DT Apex. Unfortunately, decorations were not tacky, but they looked great none the less

Not sure who named “Recently”, but nice job.

Good to meet Oxtail and see Queequeg and Two Factor, who I have only worked out with out with a couple of times.

Thanks to Parker for keeping me straight as I had forgotten the WW2s after we did the squat hold. He is working on his 6 pack for the M FYI

2nd time I have tried the curb bear crawl thing and it was no easier. The crawl bear, in particular, gets really hard quickly. Need to find a tighter parking lot, but Biner is an absolute beast as he nearly did the whole thing without resorting to lunge walking.

Smokey and WWW are speed walking superstars.

Staubach had a great idea. Train like you are doing the BRR, even if you can’t participate. Not as good as going, but I like that plan.

Thanks GTL and others who provided periodic time checks.

Contrary to “Pick up the 6 pack” - no music today since I was planning to travel a decent amount. Will break out tunes at another Q soon though. Working on a playlist with some stuff that is from this century.

Glad to see that the BH flag was recovered and it was an honor to sign it.

See also