Christmas Came Early


15 HIM joined YHC on a crisp, cool NC fall morning at the flaming chicken. I recommended beforehand, that anyone not wanting to run far and work hard, should stay home. These men came out on purpose. Proud of you guys.

Today, we learned about teamwork and, in particular, team communication. When you run a trail in the gloom that’s littered with roots, stumps, spiderwebs, and uneven bridges, you need to work as a unit. We did.

The Warmup

- Pledge of Allegiance at the Shovel Flag - Mixed run jog (look at Hermes go!) to the community center lot - Good mornings, SSH, Annie, LBC, Penalty Burpees, Flying Sun Gods - Mosey to the lake

The Thang

- 12 Days of Christmas: While running the two mile Lake Trail, jumping over roots and stumps, wiping away webs, and traversing bridges…1) Turkish Getup, 2) Wolverines, 3) Boxcutters, 4) Jump Squats, 5) Plyo Merkins, 6) Freddie Mercs, 7) 30 second hold Al Gore, 8) Wide Grip SLOW Merkins, 9) American Hammers, 10) Bobby Hurleys, 11) Chanticleer Donkey Kicks, 12) Plank Peter Parkers - Run to the flag, end right on time.


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