Chopping and Running

I knew my trail run race was coming up but I was a bit surprised to find out I signed up to Q the day before it. Oh well, guess its good and I can not kill my legs with 100 squats or something. Oh and then Hello Kitty asked to do the meow mile so it was a good warm up.

Meow Mile (2 miles): Hello Kitty, CK, Shut In, Ma Bell, and Chanticleer

After plenty of warning and a disclaimer to the FNG we were off.


2 Pickle laps, 15 X SSH, 15 X Imperial Walkers, 15 X Plank Jacks

 The Thang

Jog to the rock pile for a rock (ego or traveling idk)

Round 1: Chops to the left with your rock. Run 9 yards 2 chops, drop your rock and run back to the start then return to your rock, Run 9 more yard 3 chops and so on to 10 chops and return to the start with you rock.

Round 2: Chops to the Right. Same ladder/suicide pattern

Round 3: Chops to the middle or reverse slams: Same ladder/suicide pattern

Round 4: Burpees with jumps over you rock. Same ladder/suicide pattern

Everyone was getting cold and wet so I figured I would move on though I was planning one more.

The Thang 2

Run to the end of the parking lot.  Bear crawl down the stairs and then inch walk merkins to the fence. Run back to the parking lot.

Then planks and Nolan Ryans

Run a lap

Then mountain climbers X 20

Run a lap

Then merkins x 25 and 20 dinkey kiks oyo

Run a lap

Then some Mary: low slow flutters, box cutters, and american hammers. All x 20

Run a lap in a half

20 donkey kicks

We were going to do a few rounds of the bear crawls but it was tight with so many guys so we did laps instead. Someone said I liked running which is only partially true.


Count-a-rama: 24 Name-a-rama: 1 FNG - The Count Prayers / Praises: Prayers for Angry Elf’s grandmother for healing and travel to visit her, Prayer for WKRP for his trip to Knoxville with 2 kids BOM: YHC took us out


  • Where were Callahan and Flip Flop?
  • Burt thinks I need to go to Q school but he still was encouraging in the end
  • Flacco asked for a hard one and I tried to deliver but save my legs for tomorrow :)
  • I forgot one name until writing this. Any guesses?
  • I tried to get done on time for Saban. Just saying
  • All our chopping was for Side Salad
  • Was the werewolf there? Lots of references…..
  • Glad to see the Raleigh boys come out
  • Thanks for letting me lead!

See also