
11 PAX braved the balmy drizzle to gather ‘round the flag at Harold D. Ritter Park.

1st exercise, the Pledge of Allegiance. As Coxswain was the last HIM to arrive, he got the honor of choosing one of two envelopes. Inside each envelope was a workout. Choose wisely.


SSHs, then mosey to the big ‘ol parking lot off across Centergreen. Circle up again for Good Mornings, Sir Fazio, Burpees, Seal Claps, and Cotton Pickers.

Thang 1

Mosey to the infamous hill, along the way we bear crawl the final stretch. 11s on the hill, Steve Earles at the bottom and Peter Parker merkins at the top.

Thang 2

Mosey back to the site of the warmup for a round of Jack Webbs, all the way to 10/40. Mosey back to the flag.


A round of 10 count planks while the 6 arrive. Just enough time for American Hammers x 25.


2 Hates, 1 Respect, 8 Mehs.

Remember Frey Daddy’s 24 hour run for Healing Transitions, Red Ryder’s Christmas fundraiser. Pray for Ausfarht’s continued healing, as well as Crimson, and Swag’s M cancer diagnosis. YHC took us out.


The concept of a blind choice of workouts is intriguing to YHC - this may return. The other envelope was the Murph.

This was a quiet group; I expected Frisco to pick up the MC a bit but think the workout may have dulled the tongue.

Just made it to the shelter for Coffee with Oofta before the bottom fell out. Excellent timing.

Proverbs 16:9 - A person plans his course, but the Lord directs his steps.

Be a little better today than you were yesterday. It was a pleasure and honor to lead this fine group.

See also