Chipper knows his Western PA lingo!

Fabulous morning with fantastic dudes at SWW! Including FNG Todd, brought out by Full House – nice! He showed up in full sweat pants & sweat shirt – those did not last long! More on him later…. here’s what went down…. Good crowd gathered & EC group rolled in off the greenway – 22 was the count. Started with the pledge & a mosey around the big loop to warm up in the shelter – Good morning, windmills, fazios +, merkins, mtn climbers, etc. Mosey the loop again for the Thang:

Alternate Tabata rounds with pickle runs: Tabata’s were 20 sec on, 10 sec off – 8 sets each of mountain climbers, Bulgarian split squats, merkins, freddy mercs, and deep squats. They seem pretty easy to start, then get tough for sure…

Had a few mins for Mary – did some chillcut - 90 sec, then left & right sides, have a nice day

Cot: 22 with 2 HONORS!!

FNG Todd is now IC Light – Once he mentioned that he grew up in Western PA, Chipper lit up & was on fire with the local references – it was glorious & he entertained the entire crew!

Announcements: Thank you Bagels for your leadership – we have adopted a highway – Jenks Road stretch – first outing is next Saturday – see Slack for details.

P/P: Chipper’s mom, Term Paper’s SIL passed/family in need, Ma Bell recovery, Stauback’s co-worker/family

Coffee was on point! Thank you all for a great way to start a day!

See also