

Hey, Hermes…BLACK ICE!


I heard via the grapevine that the SW boys were chatting up Wednesday’s turnout at the Q-Swap on FB. While CK crushed it in SW, the CarPex boys turned out en masse for the Trifecta, Tortoises, and SNS. Did the SW crew interpret that as weakness or a bad case of Chionophobia (look it up :)? Hermes and YHC rolled out to DisneyWorld (we did not see Old Maid or Riptide’s truck) with Joe Smith, JigglyPuff, Flacco, Banjo and Butterscotch to confirm that CarPex men are the heartiest of all men. It was a good thing that Deadbolt and 187 showed up to rep SW…just sayin'.

9 polar beasts stared-down their Chionophobia at DisneyWorld in 18* Tundra-like conditions for some winter fun.

The Warmup (YHC)

- Pledge of Allegiance at the flag - Run up to the school, find a snowy spot to circle up for the warm up - Hand-Release Merkins x25, Turkish Getups x10, Hand-Release Merkins x20, Turkish Getups x10 (love you too, Banjo), Good Mornings x10, Goofballs x50, LBC’s x30, 1-Legged Burbees L/R x10/x10 - Run to the far side of the big lot, find a jagged-ice spot to circle up

The Thang 1 (YHC)

- JackAss Jack Webb: A Jack Webb with JackAss Merkins - Run to the school, search for a snowy spot - Freddie Merks x35, ‘Merican Hammers x25

- Hand off to Hermes…

The Thang 2 (Hermes)

- Bear Crawl Inch Worm Indian Run to the High School front door - BTTW 10 count up and down the line - Crawl Bear Inch Worm Indian Run until Hermes gets tired and has mercy on the PAX

- Run to the loading dock of the school - Partner up, complete (as a team) 300 calf raises and 300 LBC’s (no one knows why we call them LBC’s)

- Run back to the flag for 1-arm Merkins x10/x10 and Standard Merkins x20


- BIG THANKS to Deadbolt and 187 - solid, strong HIM’s, both.


- If you read this far, you get the answer: Chionophobia is the fear of SNOW.