Chilly Recovery Jog, Yawn. 10-22-18

13 showed up on time for Kryptonite.  It was a bit cool at around 37° on the Tundra thermometer.

The Warm-up - Jog to the stoplight for some GMs and some Hill Billies. The Thang - Intervals - Run up Ederlee drive, giving 90+ percent for 2 light poles and then jogging for 1 light pole.  Repeat till you get to the stoplight.  Yes, the one at Penny Road.  Yes, all the way up to Penny Road.  Recovery jog to the Cambridge Pool Parking lot, not to be confused with the Danbury pool parking lot. The Thang 2 - Do some crunches and squats for a while until the Q gets bored.  Recovery jog through the neighborhood to the greenway on  Regency Parkway. The Thang 3 - 4 man group Indian run/weave back to the flag, going the short way along the lake, not the long way, b/c Grease Monkey said so.  Jump the locked fence/gate to obtain a grade I laceration. The Thang 4 - Some Boat/Canoes and WWII’s led by Grease Monkey since we had plenty of time left.

COT: 13 Pax, a couple three Respects, the rest were Meh’s. Announcements: The Haven House Drawing for the Beach House is Wednesdayish of this week.  Get on slack or check with Burt for deets. Maybe we’ll run The Maynard again on Wednesday.  The weather is looking nice for it. Prayer Requests: late entry Praise for Liverpool’s chauffeur service at the Tuna.  YHC took us out.

NMS: - The blood iron taste this morning from the cold dry air was quite refreshing! - It was humbling (or maybe humiliating) to lead Krypto again.  Thanks for the push/invite to Q Denali. - I think this would have qualified as a 4.2 Cones on the Liuzzo Scale of Vanillaness.  The locked gate/fence hurdle kept us from a higher magnitude. - Nice work on getting back at it to those on the Ultra Tuna Team (Michelob, Old Maid).  Same to those that ran in the Odyssey (Oofta, TP, Wonder Bread, GTL)!  Meh to YHC and everyone else who took it easy this weekend. - So the date stamp on the BB is the date the BB is posted right?  Should it be a manual entry for the date of the workout for the times that the BBs are not as timely? - Asking for a friend. - Should we be checking the box for anything other than the AO name in the Categories on the right side?   Should the parent “Fitness” box also be checked? Are there other boxes that should be checked?  - Asking for a friend - Do you know how to make the ° sign?  °°°

  • We’ll see you Back in Black at Koka Thursday morning at 0515!

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