Chillin' with Petty

12 gathered in the gloom and we were off at 5:45. Mozy to BH pin location to make sure that we don’t miss a visitor.

Warm up

SSH x 15

IW x 15

GM x 7

Chilly jacks x 12

Chilly mountain climbers x 12

Mozy to centerfield

The Thang

Partner up, one partner does exercise, other runs to one of the glow sticks and back. Flap jack until quantity completed.

  • 150 wide grip merkins
  • 150 monkey humpers
  • 150 hammers IC

Get new partner

  • 100 burpees

Chilcutt BTTW while partner runs to glow stick x 2

Tunnel of love – 2 x through the tunnel

Captain Thor

Mozy to skate park


Catalina wine mixer x 10

LSF x 10


Christmas Party – December 14th, 6 pm, $10, M’s welcome, maybe includes beer?

Something going on this Saturday

Prayers and Praises

Swag’s FIL dealing with cancer that came on very quickly

F3 Houston and the tragic loss of Big Wheel

Grease Monkey’s M, Mary, who has a had rough month in her long battle with complications related to Lyme disease

Praise for Alice, Jiggly’s relative who is beating cancer

Odyssey participants – work hard but listen to your body


YHC was excited for his maiden Q at Bounty Hunter and wanted a differentiator to TTT at BO. The plan was to encourage long sleeves as we would be doing a lot of Chilcutt related exercises. Unfortunately, BH Pax don’t pay attention to twitter, so I think the only person who knew to wear sleeves was Shut In. Since it was 59 degrees, Open Out had a hoodie, so he was ready as was Michelob, who likes sleeves for his EC run to and from the AO. The rest of the PAX, they would have to deal with it.

It also seemed like an appropriate time to pay homage to the late, great Tom Petty, who was still touring this summer. Plus, has there ever been a more “chill” musician that TP? Here is playlist from today’s workout. * denotes song from his last concert – Sep 25, Hollywood Bowl

American Girl*


I Need To Know

Don’t Come Around Here No More*

Into the Great Wide Open*

Mary Jane’s Last Dance*

I won’t Back Down*

Southern Accents

Learning to Fly*

I felt a lot of pressure to nail the cadence with F3Carpex royalty, CK, present and fresh off of the Q school that I missed. Did pretty well until the Catalina Wine Mixers.

Wanted to get to 10 on the Captain Thor’s but we were running out of time and I was running out of gas, so we skipped from 5 to 10. I think the move was supported by the PAX.

Chilcutt BTTW wasn’t so bad. As Grease pointed, you could even use your head to take off some of the body weight.

Thanks to all of the PAX that threw wet gloves at me when I called Catalina Wine Mixers near the end.

Always an honor and privilege to lead my F3 brothers.

See also