Chillin' and cuttin'

The weather has shifted and the PAX are taking notice. There were some long sleeves, some who were envious of long sleeves and others who don’t know where their long sleeves are.

A healthy EC crew returned just a few minutes before ME go time…Largemouth came in sprinting, which either means he was setting a new land speed record or was sending a message to the Q that whatever he had planned wasn’t going to be adequate. :))

A strong crew of 15 said the pledge and headed out for a quick jog to the large Koka Booth parking lot for a quick warmup with stretching and SSH. We then went to the popular rock pile to choose a traveling rock…Pierogi pointed out he didn’t recall ever grabbing a rock at Kryptonite…while true for me too, I had no intention of anyone putting the rock down.

We headed to the office lot across Regency and the infamous hill…split up into two groups. Group 1 went for a mosey up the hill and back….rock in hand. Group 2 hung out at the bottom doing some curls, overhead presses and rock rows. Three rounds for each group. We returned all rocks safely to their home.

Two lines for a lengthy “Washington” run at a medium pace (wink).

Once we arrived at the big parking lot at the building near Tryon, we each found a parking lot line and this is where the chillin’ and cuttin’ happened…with a “GO”, we all assumed the chill cut position…the first man ran to the curb about 25 yards away…once back, he re-assumed the chill cut position and the next man could go for his run…and so on until the last man was done with his run. It was great fun.

A mosey through the parking lot to a side shuffle down the parking lot tiers and then mosey back to the flag with a few “sprint” intervals thrown in.

Back to the flag with less than a second to spare. No time for Mary.

COT: Haven House announcement.

Prayers/Praises: Pet Sounds handed out well deserved praises for those men who donated blood over the weekend. Well done guys.

It was a great morning to be outside and made even better to be with these 14 men. I appreciate the opportunity to run around with you all.

See also