Cherry on Top

YHC has driven past North Cary Park many times on the way to various destinations.  However, this is the first post.  Luckily Google maps gives some very detailed satellite photos of what is rumored to be the premiere site in Cary on Fridays.  There is cluster-Q potential with this one, after YHC sees the collection of HIMs who have decided to post.  Nineteen, in all.

Warm Up

Standard fare of SSHs, Cotton Pickers, Sir Fazio, BURPEES, Plank Jacks, and Merkins (and my down AND my UP).

Thang 1

Mosey over to the basketball courts for a bit of Doracide.  In efforts to keep it vanilla, we stuck with Merkins x 100, LBCs x 200 and Squats x 300 while the partner runs a suicide.  The chocolate swirl is, on the partner switch, complete 5 bropees each time.

Thang 2

Mosey to Cary Parkway, in the construction zone at the bottom of the hill.  Do a little Five n’ Dime, alternating 5 Burpees and 10 Monkey Humpers.  Once to the top of the hill, mosey back to the flag.


PAX choice of standard fare (except for whatever Hi-Liter called), finish up with American Hammers until 6:30.


  • 3 Hates, 5 Respects, 11 Mehs
  • Announcements: Carpex Anniversary convergence at DZ on August 31.  This Saturday at FUMC Cary, Braston Jones (former Healing Transitions resident) will be sharing his story and you can get what is rumored to be a pretty good breakfast.  Starting at 0800.  WWW announced the launch of Bruisers roving IR workout; virgin Q was today.  See his backblast and detail of the Deck of Death.
  • Prayers/Praises: Both Burt and WWW celebrating wedding anniversaries (double date?), Ma Bell’s family with travel and health issues, Saban’s family dealing with age/health issues.  And McCants of course.
  • YHC took us out


  • This completes YHC’s Ryder-versary week.  Thanks to everyone who participated.  I realized after we completed 65 burpees on Monday at Kryptonite that we could do 1 burpee for each day of the year.  All that was left was to find a way to average 75 the remaining 4 days.  Proud to say we got there.
  • T-Claps to WWW for pushing the Bruisers IR workout.  I’ve done his Deck of Death and it’s brutal.
  • Also, props to our EC pullup crew.  This is growing and that’s a good thing.  YHC showed up for the tail end to get in some back & bi work.
  • Strong mumblechatter game.  Burt called my signature move before I did in the warmups.
  • And of course it was great to have the newly crowned world champion Flip Flop in the house.
  • YHC likes to get the PAX involved in calling Mary.  Had to take the reins back after the debacle that Hi-Liter called.
  • There was rumor of a near merlot spillage.  Apparently it was just one of those, throw up in my mouth a little moments.
  • As always, it was a pleasure to lead this fine group  Be a little better today than you were yesterday.

See also