Changing of the Guard

It was a beautiful morning at Tortoises (the premier limited-run, maximum fun workout on Wednesdays in Apex). Two Friendly New Guys (FNGs) joined the PAX in the gloom this morning: Sega (who was being punished for forgetting to do his homework) and Matador (who was being punished for being friends with Frisco).

For Your Humble Correspondent (YHC) (i.e., me, Frisco the Legend), the day started with Extra Credit Pullups (ECP) with Spartan and recently named (i.e., at Phoenix last week) Carvana. Luckily, YHC had an FNG coming and so was able to cut out of ECP early. I mean unfortunately, I had to quit ECP early to check and see if my FNG had arrived.

Yogi, our Q (i.e., the jerk who designed the workout that practically killed us) came in hot, had the ECPers move tables around and then left hot out of the parking lot for food or something. YHC assumed incorrectly that this was the entire workout and so was sadly disappointed when Yogi circled us up a few minutes later to start working out. EarharT provided FNG Matador with a mini-disclaimer and a list of YHC’s assets should Matador want to sue someone once he realized what he had gotten himself into this morning. (Frisco assets: amazing physique, neon yellow hat, pirate smile that the ladies can’t resist)

Yogi fought through the Q-drenaline however and did get the disclaimer out along with a list of what makes up F3 (peer led, always outside, free and open to all, Circle of Trust at the end). “Start on time” was missed so at 5:31 YHC yelled that one out. And at 5:32. And at 5:33.

Then we were off. Here’s what we did:

Warm Up:

  • Run about 20 feet to the middle of the pickle
  • SSH

Our Q decided that was enough warm up (thank you for your leadership, Yogi) and led us 30 feet to the picnic tables. It was an oddly effective technique because the PAX never got a chance to grumble about
Tortoises being limited run before we were there and starting the Thang.

The Thang 1:

  • Irkins
  • Dips
  • Squats
  • WW II sit ups (a new exercise Yogi decided to try out)
  • Merkins
  • Burpees

Run either to the playground (shorter) or to the dumpsters (longer) and back.

Repeato 3-6 times (I lost count somehow) with some minor variations on exercises (i.e., American Hammers, etc).

The Thang 2:

Burpee Jack Webbs (replace the #&#& arm raises with %$*# squats)


  • Have a Nice Day but then either Crimson or EarharT (or both) couldn’t stop talking so Q called…
  • Burpees (10x)

That might have happened twice. (I lost count somehow)

Circle of Trust (COT):

Count-a-rama: 31

Raleigh’s Complete Stupid and Utterly Pointless (CSAUP) event, the MULE, is coming up. Details should be posted on Slack at some point.

Prayers and Praises:

  • Continued prayers for Ausfahrt who is still recovering from a motorcycle accident in December. He is a big Hurricanes fan so Intimidator is going over to watch the game with him. PAX are encouraged to visit with Ausfarht since it lifts his spirits. He has a long road to recovery still and appreciates the company.
  • Prayers for a neighbor of the PAX who is going through a divorce.
  • Prayers for Ascot’s recovery from injury (even though he didn’t call it out)
  • Others I unfortunately cannot remember

Yogi took us out.


Special call out to FNG Matador and recent FNG Carvana for showing up and getting after it today. They never quit, never stopped getting back up for another round. A man’s character isn’t measured by the number of checkmarks he has in the Win column–anyone can be a champion in the end zone. His character is measured by how many times he fights his way to standing again and dives back into the fray. In F3 we just make sure he has a lot of other guys diving in there with him.

Great work today, gents! MIAGD!

See also