Changing of the Guard

Due to technical issues, there is not a way to have the QIC list both Beaker and YHC as the QIC but he was in the mix and deserves the glory.

Warm-up Beaker led all the PAX from the flag over to the other lower parking lot and back again to get the legs moving. Once we circled back up we enjoyed a few other treats:

  • SSH x 20
  • Windmills x 10
  • Slow Count Merkins x 10
  • Good Mornings x 10

Thang 1

Hanukkah just started on December 2nd and Christmas is not far away so Beaker got us some gifts to share with the PAX and to be enjoyed at the site in future days - Pain Sticks!!

We joyful gathered around Beaker’s truck in groups of 3 and grabbed a pain stick. From there, 2 of the group would carry the pain stick to the next light pole and do 10 overhead presses while the other PAX would do 10 Merkins and 10 American Hammers and then catch up and switch. This joyful parade would continue till we reached the mailbox in the upper lot. We then put the pain sticks in their custom built storage facility, also known as the woods across from the mailbox.

Thang 2

YHC took over as the QIC and formed the PAX into 3 lines for an Indian Run back to the fields. YHC does have to say this was some fine lines this morning and was shocked at how well organized they stayed through the whole run. Well done HIM!

In reaching the fields YHC was informed the path around the baseball fields was closed so we modified and went to the lower soccer field and partnered up.

  • Partner 1 ran clockwise and Partner 2 ran counter clockwise around the soccer field.
  • When the PAX met up they did 10 Derkins with their feet on their partners shoulders and then flapjacked.
  • Once complete they ran back to the starting corner.
  • Upon their return, each PAX did 10 Burpees OYO
  • They now repeated the run to the other corner again but when they met up they did 10 partner Merkins and 10 hand release Merkins and then headed back to get some more Burpees
  • Washed and Repeated

Thang 3

  • Partner 1 stayed on the field and Bear Crawled the width of the field and sprinted back to find their partner.
  • Partner 2 went to the shelter nearby the field and did pull-ups till their partner returned.

At this point I heard some grumbling about wanting a different QIC and another PAX said something about wanting the old site Qs back. All these comments are welcome at the FOD complaint desk and will be taken under close consideration if submitted properly.

Image result for complaint department


Short on time we circled up back by the flag and did a quick round of Protractor with each PAX calling out an angle. It may have been missed by some of the PAX but Trike called 130 degrees and then actually did it. Impressive on many fronts, one of the top being it was done in a sweater vest. There was also some discussion about 68 degrees but that will not be covered here.


Count-a-rama:  29 Name-a-rama:  5 RESPECTs, 23 meh, 1 HATE


These are all on Slack so please go there for details

  • Christmas Parade in DTC 12/8 1-4PM - Details on cot-announcements
  • Carpex Christmas Party on 12/13 6-?PM - Details on cot-announcements
  • South Wake CASUP 12/15 6-10AM - Details on 1stf
  • Crab Legs 5K at Wrightsville Beach March 8th - Details on cot-announcements
  • Bring your gifts for Operations Sweet Tooth this week - $10 new to any AO by Saturday - cot-announcements

TAP (Thoughts and Prayers)

  • Continued prayers for Kelly, Disco Ducks M. Feeling better but lots to go in the battle
  • Kelly family (Shut-in and Open-Out) for loss of their Uncle
  • Squatter mentioned a family in his daughters school, had a fire at their house and lost everything We all gathered for a pic holding the ace spades to offer our support to Double Down in F3 Louisville and the tumor he was having removed this morning between his heart and lung


This was an important day at FOD because we switched site Qs from PBX and Katniss to Beaker and YHC. Not because the 4 of us are anything different but that we just get to have front row seats to see the incredible work each of you are doing in Carpex as you take the DRP (Daily Red Pill) and post at this AO along with others. F3 is changing the path of so many men and in turn the people in their conentrica and cannot wait to see how that continues in each of our lives.

FOD is a special place for lots of reasons for a lot of people but for me it is especially close to my heart. The very first time I posted with F3 it was at this site. I can vividly recall that day asking Ma Bell if there was a name for throwing up in a workout. His response was quick and full of glee that it was called “Splashing Merlot”. Thankfully I held back that day from splashing but it was close. It is amazing how much has changed since that first day till now, both in my life and in others. That is because of each of you HIM that call Carpex home are committed to a better you and helping others achieve the same and keep bringing myself and others along.

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along. TY4YL and SYITG!

See also