Celebrating the King

A crisp morning greeted thirteen PAX as they descended upon the best lit Tuesday morning AO in all of Carpex. YHC and 6 others, including colleague Arts n Crafts from Chicago, were led by Repeato on a little EC run on the greenways around the Scottish Hills neighborhood.

It’s 5:45, so time to get started. Jog to the left parking lot (after going back for phone and bluetooth speaker that would come into play later.) Circle up for warm-ups. Note: YHC’s 2.0 was born on this day in 2000, so 19 will be a big part of what we do:

  • Good Mornings x 19
  • Sir Fazio Arm Circles forward x 19
  • Sir Fazio Arm Circles revers x 19
  • Mountaineer Motivators (more on that later), counting down from 7

Today is also the birthday of the king of rock n’ roll, Elvis Presley. So, let’s work that in as well. Cue the music on the bluetooth that WWW loaned YHC for:

Thang 1 - Elvis Blackjack

  • Start with one diamond merkin on one side of the parking lot
  • Elvis Walk across to the other side for 20 LBCs
  • Elvis Walk back
  • Continue incrementing diamond merkins and decrementing LBCs until 20 merkins and 1 LBC has been reached. (Or, until YHC determines that we need to move on in the interest of time.)

Partner up on the mosey over to the pickle near the tennis courts for:

Thang 2 - Partner Burpee Dans and Lt. Dan Taylors

  • Partners travel around the circle in opposite directions, using 4 lunge steps with a burpee between.
  • When they meet up, 1:4 Lt. Dan Taylors (1 squat, 4 L-R lunge jumps)
  • Reverse direction (or don’t). Repeat loop with 2 burpees for every 4 lunge steps, and 2:8 Lt. Dans.
  • We run out of time mid-way through the third cycle, so jog back to the flag .


  • American Hammers x 19
  • Box Cutters x  19
  • Freddie Mercs x 19
  • Homer to Marge x  19
  • Have a nice day

YHC took us out in prayer.

Count-o-rama: 13


  • Q swap week this week and next with South Wake. Get out and support our Carpex Qs, and then welcome our SW brothers next week!
  • Mobility and pre-hab workshop on Feb. 2 at 1 PM, led by Sosa. Details on Slack


  • Ausfahrt’s recovery
  • Repeato’s co-workers and their families
  • Lawn Dart’s mom and dad battling pneumonia (and heart condition for his dad


  • Great to see my colleague, Arts n Crafts in from Chicago this week. Glad we had better weather for him than last January when he was named at A-Team.
  • AnC actually introduced me to the Mountaineer Motivators during one of our business trip AOs last year – something he picked up in Chi-town. It seems silly while you’re doing it, but your calves say otherwise when you’re done! I wanted to have each PAX count down, but 13 rounds of that in warm up would have taken too long, so I went with 7.
  • YHC is not a huge Elvis fan, but respect his impact on rock n’ roll. It was fun putting together the playlist for this as well. If anyone wants it, just let me know.
  • Funny how the mind works, searching the Exicon for something Elvis related yielded the Elvis Walk, based on the scene where Forrest teaches Elvis his dance move in the movie Forrest Gump. That led me to Lt. Dan Taylors and Burpee Dans, resulting in the second half of the workout.
  • YHC has learned that January 8 is also David Bowie’s birthday. Next year?….
  • It was a pleasure to lead you this morning. Thank you. Thank you very much.
  • Elvis has left the building.

See also