Celebrating May 24th…on May 23rd

It was another glorious morning at the finest AO in Northwest Cary on a Thursday. While scrambling for a theme last night, I decided it would be fun to quiz the PAX on holidays, history and birthdays that occurred on May 24th. The only problem was, by the time we started our quiz this morning, I was quickly informed that today was not May 24th, but rather May 23rd. Details, details. Regardless, the research was done (thanks Wikipedia), so we were going to party like it was May 24th, even if we were a day early.  


Pledge, bungled disclaimer and we were on our way, looping around the bus drop-off circle. A series of warm-up exercises, and of course the Ernie Davis Heisman, were done.

The Thang

Mosey down the hill and introduce the May 24th theme. The PAX would be asked a series of questions. Answer them correctly, I purchase as many $2 While Foods pints as one could consume. Answer them wrong, everyone performs 5 burpees and 24 of YHC’s choice of exercises (May 24th – 5 and 24 – get it)? I’ll cut to the chase, while the group came close on one question, alas they were a combined O-fer for the entire morning. Sorry, boys – no beers for you. Just burpees and a lot of pain.

  • Question #1: What country is celebrating Commonwealth Day? Belize – 5 burpees / 24 pommel horse jumps over the construction barrier…run to next station
  • Question #2: What landmark opened in 1883? The Brooklyn Bridge – 5 burpees / 24 SSHs…run to next station
  • Question #3: What US-based event took place in 1775? John Hancock elected as President of the Continental Congress – 5 burpees / 24 curls for girls…run to next station (with some bear crawls for good measure)
  • Question #4: Which non-US leader was born in 1819? Queen Victoria I – 5 burpees / 24 hillbillies…run to next station
  • Question #5: Which athlete (solo, non-team) was born in 1962? Hector “Macho” Camacho – 5 burpees / 24 leg swings over the construction barrier…run to next station
  • Question #6: Which country celebrates the Battle of Pichincha Day? Ecuador – 5 burpees / 24 rock-your-bodies…run to next station
  • While doing some fast-feet while waiting for the 6, we learned about which country celebrates their independence day – Eritrea (left Ethiopia in 1993)…run to the basketball court


WWIIs (WWW), LBCs (Cataracts) and dying cockroaches (Trike) – while doing these, we wrapped up our learning about what happened in 1915 (Italy declared war on Austria-Hungary) and which famous actor (part of a duo) was born in 1938 (Tommy Chong).


Prayers for our brothers who are nursing injuries and can’t be out in the gloom. Lots of announcement. YHC took us out.

See also