Catching Largemouth

Last night, the Q slot for BiB opened up, so YHC volunteered to take the helm. I remembered a nearby segment from last year’s Hill Climb Challenge, so I built the workout around that.

15 total Pax today, including one FNG. TClaps to Farm Aid and Useful Engine for bringing out a friend.


  • Mosey around the lake.

  • Warm-up: I called some unusual stuff that Build-a-Bear didn’t love.

  • Pearls on a String Mosey through the greenway to Glade Park Road.

  • Three times up the long Regency Climb. The last time up was an all-out effort to catch John Mills and Carpex champ Largemouth. It is impossible to overstate how impressive (new Carpex champ) Joe Smith was here.

  • Pearls on a String Mosey to the flag parking lot.


  • Freed to Bleed (check Slack)

  • Prayers for our Pax dealing with COVID.

  • Sign up to Q.

  • Welcome FNG Wicked Tuna. (I now realize Wicked Tuna is in the North Atlantic, not Alaska where our FNG was raised, so this was a questionable decision by YHC. Cool name, though.)


Always so fun at BiB and NYBD3.

See also