Cary Brewery Tour in Golf Attire

Beautiful morning in downtown Cary this morning - Burt showed up in full golf attire to celebrate the first Thursday of the Masters (John Daly shorts, Footjoys, putter, etc.) He looked good - but later on learned that footjoys are not the best running shoes.

Pleasantries exchanged, Coney gave a quiet disclaimer to our FNG, Nantan started barking about the time so we were off.

YHC shot down the road like he was out of a cannon, around the corner. When YHC reached the stop light, only PBX had managed to keep up - and there was lots of loud mumblechatter as the Pax tried to catch up. (Many explained they had never seen YHC move that fast)

We continued our run at a much slower pace to the pocket park. What better place to start off Masters Thursday besides Cary’s only patch of green grass. Warm up 20 – SSH, 20 – MC, 15 – GM, 15– hillbilly (With a special shout out to our IR brother Mylon Hill)-, Sir Fazio – 10 each way Then we continued on our way with YHC promise of a tour of Cary’s finest beer establishments. First stop - past the parking lot to Durham Road and the newest downtown Cary brewery - Jordan Lake Brewing. Burt handled the tour guide activities and gave folks a run down of this fine establishment and then finally, we got to work.

B – BTTW (5 count down the line) E – Elevens (Squats/Merkins) E – Empty Wheelbarrow with partners - 1x back and forth was enough) R- 10 Reverse Crunch

Run to Bond Brothers Brewery seeing some new Cary sites along the way (who knew there were so many chop shops in Cary) At BB - your tour guide was Riptide (the 2nd F site Qs didnt seem fully prepared for their tour stops today) and then more work

A – 10 Abe Vigoda N – 20 Nolan Ryans 10 each arm D – Dan Taylor – 1:4 Squat/Lunge – up to 5/20

Run to Crosstown Pub where your tour guide was Open Out. He gave a short but effective rundown on crosstown and then we did the following at a quick clip as time was running tight

G -10 Goofball O- 20 Outlaw L - 15 LBCs F – 10 flutter kicks Run to Pharmacy where your tour guide was Term Paper - (although PBX added the trivia that this bottle shop used to be a pharmacy)

F – 20 Floyd Mayweather - 10 each arm U – 20 Up straddle hop - 10 each leg N – 15 Never Cross Dolly –

Run back to the starting point - when we were at the corner on our way back, we picked up coxswain. He claimed he had seen us running down academy at the start (which was promptly at 545) but after he parked and ran up that way he was never able to locate us. Props to him for sticking around for us to come back.

Mary – Freddy Merc x20,

COT Announcements - Refinery is going on tour next week taking place at Bond park post Vesper/ SNS Phoenix - early start this week - moving up to 6:30 to allow participants to go to breakfast at BO church right after -

Prayers/Praises Sputniks M - eye problems Open Outs uncle - important diagnosis today Shut In’s uncle - see above Sky Blue - 2 weeks travel out of the country with family - and others travelling for spring break/easter Smokey - today was his 100th post. Nice work Smokey. He mentioned that his office pool over/under was that he would only make 25. He then let us know he was a sole practitioner.

Thanks all of you - enjoyed the mumblechatter and the camaraderie. It is truly and honor and privilege to lead.

See also