
While the PAX of Carpex were slumbering and dreaming of merkins at Shaken Not Stirred or WWII’s at Tortoises, YHC was sharing all the goodness of F3 with a work colleague on the misty waterfront of Copenhagen, Denmark.

A little background first. My friend Michael is way into fitness and runs several Spartan Races a year. I’ve been sharing with him on our weekly work calls what F3 has meant to me, giving him updates on how it’s improved my fitness and telling him of all the meaningful fellowship and Bible study that I’ve enjoyed. He challenged me to come up with a work out for us to do together while in Copenhagen. Challenge accepted!

[caption id=“attachment_384147” align=“alignleft” width=“200”]1024px-Copenhagen_-the_little_mermaid_statue-_2013 The Little Mermaid statue in Copenhagen Harbor[/caption]

If you’re familiar with Copenhagen, you’ll know that the author of the fairy tale, “The Little Mermaid”, Hans Christian Andersen spent some time in this beautiful city. In 1909 Carl Jacobsen (son of the founder of Carlsberg Brewing) commissioned a statue be created of the mermaid after watching a ballet performance of the story. That statue sits in the shallow water on the edge of Copenhagen’s harbor.

With all that as background, YHC thought a marine life themed workout was just the ticket.

It went like this:

0600 start. Everyone’s on time. Start from the back entrance of the Admiral Hotel on the waterfront and jog to the Iver Huitfeldt Memorial (1 KM).

Warmup with the following:

  • 14 SSH
  • 10 Good Morning (god morgen)
  • 14 Sir Fazios

*Note: Iver Huitfeldt was a Danish naval war hero who was killed in action during the Great Northern War, at the age of 44, hence the total repititions for our warmups.

(Sebastian the) Crab walk to the end of the park for…

The thang:

Ariel (Dora’s aquatic cousin) 1-2-3’s. Partner 1 runs to Den Lille Havfrue (Little Mermaid) Statue while P2 works on:

  • 100 Crab Cakes
  • 200 Mer(man)kins
  • 300 Crab Jacks

Flip-flop until complete.

Mary (coincidentally, the name of the current Crown Princess of Denmark)

  • Starfish crunch x 10
  • (Walk the) Plank stretch x 5 each leg
  • Good day (god dag)

Just for good measure, a Billy Run back to the Little Mermaid (YHC was thoroughly smoked by his younger, fitter colleague.) Mosey back to the hotel for coffeeteria and breakfast.


  • It was a great joy to share a little bit of what F3 has meant to me with my friend and colleague, Michael, and to do it in such a scenic location.
  • It was also fun to work in the Little Mermaid theme. Thank you for obliging me that silliness.
  • While not an officially sanctioned F3 AO, I did take the opportunity to name FNG Michael after his favorite (and most frustration-causing) soccer club, “Arsenal”. He’ll likely be visiting the states in early 2018 and I fully understand that we may have to re-name him officially as he has promised to post with me somewhere in Carpex while he’s there.

See also