CARPEx CSAUP - The Odyssey


As you may have heard, F3 Carpex is excited to announce the inaugural Cary/Apex CSAUP - The Odyssey! October 7th at 0600, men will set off on a journey like no other, roaming the streets and greenways of Cary, sweating, gasping for air, laughing continuously, working hard, and sweating some more. You will not want to miss this!

For the newer PAX, a CSAUP (completely stupid and utterly pointless) is an extended beatdown intended to push you to your limits both mentally and physically. The beautiful part is, you can do it. No matter your fitness level, you can do this. If you can get through a workout on a random Tuesday morning, you can do a CSAUP.

We will meet at the Community Center parking lot at Bond Park in Cary and will embark on our odyssey promptly at 0600. You should expect to be finished no later the 1000. We will travel roughly 9-10 miles, broken up by 7-8 stops. There will be regular water breaks and we will also have support vehicles if anyone needs to hitch a ride to the next stopping point. If you’re lucky, they’ll let you sit in the back of a bigass pick-up truck and wave to the other PAX like the Queen of the Rose Bowl Parade. **cough**coughMaBellcough**cough**

There will be a shirt designed (we’re NOT voting on this one - but it’ll prolly be beige), pre-order information will be available soon. If you want to be a part of this event but are physically unable, please consider signing up to drive a support vehicle or be a photog or cheerleader or traffic control (see comment about aforementioned bigass pick-up). There are plenty of ways to get involved, so if interested, please contact your 1st F Q’s, Banjo and/or Franklin.

Sign up on the link below. If you’re on the fence, do yourself a favor and put your name down. Or, come talk to me (and I’ll put your name down). Honestly, if you just look in my general direction or make eye contact with me at any point between now and Oct. 7, I’m gunna assume you wanna do this thang so I’ll put your name on the list. We’re not leaving anyone behind. CSAUPs are tough, but it’s a great opportunity to practice all three F’s.

Lastly, the shirt won’t be beige. Promise. After the event shirt orders will available on F3 Mudgear. Check @f3carpex on Twitter for more details.