Carpex Crud?

Waking up to a DM that the scheduled Q was out sick today, YHC couldn’t help but wonder if this was some kind of new site Q hazing ritual.  But upon hearing that Kryptonite suffered from the same affliction, perhaps it’s possible that the Carpex Crud has returned.  Better wait on that picnic for a few weeks.

In any event YHC was somewhat concerned that my co-site Q would struggle coming up with a themed workout and associated props in 30 minutes, so I decided to step up and give it a go on short notice.  Minor detail, YHC forgot to let the rest of the Carpex PAX know that he was stepping up, so there was a slight arm wrestling match with Pierogi for the Q.

Warm Up


2 laps of the pickle

Circle up at the flag for:

  • 8 GM’s IC
  • 20 SSH IC
  • 20 WG Merkins OMD
  • 20 Mountain Climbers IC

Thang 1: 

Needed something vanilla on short notice.  What could be more vanilla than Dora?

Partner up on the way to the playground for:

  • 50 Pull ups
  • 100 Merkins
  • 200 Squats
  • 300 LBC’s

Partner runs the pickle and flip flop’s.

30 more LBC’s called by Angry Elf to help the PAX finish out Dora.  Next stop, picnic shelter.

Thang 2:

  • 20 ALRSU IC
  • 20 Irkins OMD
  • 20 Dips IC
  • 20 Derkins OMD
  • 15 of each
  • 10 of each
  • 5 of each

Next stop, basketball court

Thang 3:

PAX lined up on endline.  Starting from Left to Right HIM 1 called a Mary for the remainder of the PAX and then bear crawled to opposite end and ran back.  Mary included Merkins, SSH, Wolverines, WWII, BTTW, Freddy Mercury, Homer to Marge, and Boat Canoe (in honor of the fallen Q) to name a few.  A little grumbling as we pressed up against time and then some to allow all PAX to call a Mary.  Back to the flag by 6:17 where the 2 rolling stones were waiting.


  • Welcome FNG’s Gingerbread, Pennywise, and Box Spring!


  • Still collecting band-aids through the rest of the week
  • VQ week coming up
  • Odyssey on 10/20.  Sign up including emergency contact info.


  • Family of the high school cross country runner who passed this weekend and the cross country community as a whole.
  • For those continuing to recover from Hurricane Florence
  • Hello Kitty

YHC took us out.


  • TClaps to the EC crew of Build-a-Bear, Ollie, and Snots
  • TClaps to Pierogi for being ready to Q on short notice, but thanks for allowing YHC to lead.
  • TClaps to Beaker and Build-a-Bear bailing out YHC when naming a FNG.  Could have been bad.
  • As always, it’s a pleasure to lead.

See also