Carpex Convergence

The twitters were abuzz last night with all sorts of HCs from PAX of several regions… as has become common for Downtown Apex’s premier Thursday morning AO. I shared with my M that today had the chance to be my largest Q to date! I tempered her excitement by stating that this was the trend with this AO specifically, and most definitely had little to do with YHC. Nevertheless, it was a daunting privilege to lead a larger workout. This was my biggest in my young Q life! Y’all were too gracious with me this morning.


FNG Check - we have 1!

Jog down to the baseball field lot.

Quick count-o-rama. 23. Snake Eyes. I have a workout for which we need groups of 3… not today, back into my pocket.

Warmup with 10 each of:

Good Mornings

Imperial Walkers

Side Straddle Hops (20)

Standard Merkins OMD HOLD IT

Mountain Climbers HOLD IT

Plank Jacks HOLD IT

Calf Stretches


Partner Up! We might have an odd number, but YHC doesn’t care. CMIYC around the half-mile loop - PAX 1 stops to do 10 LBCs, PAX 2 runs ahead. Halt at the skatepark.


Mosey over to Town Hall lots, starting in the Water Tower lot.

Partner 1 - Paint Lines to the end

Partner 2 works on 100 each of LBCs, Prisoner Squats, Merkins, Freddie Mercs, Sumo Squats, Air Presses

Around the back of the Town Hall complex for some People’s Chair and BTTW in the secret hallway

Back around to the northside Town Hall lot for a bit of plank hold / running a loop around the lot. Repeato, then line up for Indian Run.

Back to the skatepark.


Mary featuring 15 each of:

Low Slow Flutter

WW2 Sit-ups

Box Cutters

Freddie Mercs

10 Burpees OMD



COR - 23

NOR - 6 RESPECTS, 15 mehs, 2 HATES



Carpex Memorial Day convergence 7am at Thomas Brooks Park, 2nd and possible 3rd f to follow.

May 5 CSAUP 8-12 Starting at Womble Park. 2nd f to follow.

Yoda Q coming up at Honeycutt Park.

Neighbor to Neighbor workday at 8:30am on Saturday. Catalyst is converging at Ambassador immediately prior.

4guys graduating from HT at 6pm tonight. Testimonies are powerful. Hit twitter for the info.

Tmo is 4yr Arena anniversary. Don’t eat in the afternoon, you will spill.



Whalen’s are up to 9K for their car!

Khakis - building a children’s home in India. Got to 80k in December, up to 95k now. God is faithful.



I waited wayyyy long to plan this Q - partially thanks to a fussy baby, partially thanks to the Mets being very interesting to watch these days, partially thanks to work being insane these last two weeks, but mostly because it is in my nature to wait until the last available moment to plan these things.

For the second time in two Qs, I scouted the area the morning of… and ended up having to drive to Harris Teeter for some necessary business. *facepalm*

I think the Thursday AOs are my favorite complete set of AOs on one day - two downtown workouts and the sprawl of Mills Park… hard to go wrong here. Today came my chance to lead this one… and I was most assuredly blessed by it.

I prayed at the end that we would be able to love those in our lives that are unlovable, and as the words left my mouth, I realized that I am that unlovable person. Mostly through the lens of second-time-around fatherhood, I’ve become acutely aware of the lack of patience, quickness to anger, and general self-centeredness that characterize the unfortunate majority of my behavior. I very much appreciated the opportunity to lead this group from different regions - your encouragement gave me a huge boost, and I’m sure gave the other PAX a boost as well. It’s pretty awesome to visualize our potential impact on our communities - 23 men converge in the gloom to accomplish something difficult and sharpen each other… so that we can be the light for our families, our friends, our work teams, and for every person we encounter. As you other 22 work through your days, know that you’ve helped set me on a better path for today. You are doing important work out there.

Special shoutout to Yoga Mat who I passed on 64 on the way out. You get the honorary tag as the 24th I was hoping for.


See also