CARPEx Challenge 2108

The wait is almost over. The new sheet for The CARPEx/Carpex/CarPEX 2018 Challenge will be live soon.

To mix it up a bit, there will be 3 levels this year.

F1 – Fitness

Post at every AO in CARPEx.

I know that some of you are into a set routine and it involves going to the closest AO 2 or 3 times per week. That is great, but why not see what is offered in other places. Simple right?

F2 – Fitness plus Fellowship

Complete F1

Attend two 2nd F outings

Clown car to any F3 event – at least 4 CarPAX in the vehicle. AO, CSAUP, 2nd F lunch etc.

Q a CARPEx workout

Participate in an F3 related CSAUP (Odyssey 2018, KKC + Murph, BRR, GoRuck, Mule, etc)

Post on 6 different days at a CARPEx workout – “Official CARPEx 6-pack”

F3 – The whole package

Complete F1 and F2

Q every workout in CARPEx

Q a 3rd F event – Lead Refinery one week, set up a one-off Bible study lunch, Q a community outreach event. Feel free to be creative

Q a workout in another region – must be somewhere you have never Q’ed before

The Triangle – Post at every region or sub-region in the triangle. This includes Churham, Raleigh, NE Wake and South Wake (is Chatham County a sub region?)

Tour de CARPEx – Complete F1 in a single month. I would like for this to officially be in July (coinciding with Tour de France), but you can complete the challenge in any month if July doesn’t work for you. More details to come.


If you are unfamiliar with the challenge, it was started last year to hopefully accomplish a few things

  • Push ourselves harder physically
  • Do things that might be out of our comfort zone
  • Most importantly (to me at least) – maintain the sense of community that we had when there were only 6 AOs and we all knew each other well.

I encourage all of CARPEx to sign up on the Google sheet once it is published. Each of you can do F1. Sure, you might need to get up 15 or 20 minutes earlier 10 times this year, but I guarantee you will reap the rewards of a little less sleep on a few occasions.

Even if you have no intention of completing the challenge to start the year, you may find that you once you have gotten half way there, finishing may become a realistic goal.

Thanks for those providing input for this year’s challenge. I incorporated a version of both things that were requested and that I remembered. CK’s suggestion of a clown car a month was interesting, but I didn’t want someone to be eliminated 2 months into the year.

New AO provisions

  • If officially launched by October 31, they will be added to F1
  • We will tentatively cut off adding to F3 as of June 30. If we have 20 people trying to complete the 3rd level of the challenge, we don’t them monopolizing the Q schedule of a new AO (or conversely not being able to get on the schedule).

This year’s challenge will end December 31.