CarPEX 1776 Patriot Games Pre-Blast

What started as a seemingly innocuous GroupMe post by Banjo for a July 4th workout at an AO down in Florida turned into a storm of comments, excitement, emails, whining, etc. What came out of that is a plan for a 1776-themed CarPEX Nation convergence on the 241st anniversary of America’s declaration of independence from the tyranny of Mad King George III. With apologies to our brothers in Florida, we offer the CarPEX version of the 1776 Patriot Games (with comments added to remove ambiguity)

Date: July 4, 1776 Time: 0630 EDT Where: Thomas Brooks Park Music: America-themed, motivational patriotic playlist provided by Ma Bell #dadjokes: America-themed jokes provided by PAX


Pledge of Allegiance

The Thang

1776 yard run (1.01 miles). Complete as a group; no man left behind.

  1. 100 Merkins
  2. 100 Overhead Claps
  3. 100 LBCs
  4. 100 Dips
  5. 100 Moroccan Nightclubs
  6. 100 Leg Scissors (Left over Right, then Right over Left = 1)
  7. 100 Pull-ups
  8. 100 Step-ups (each step-up = 1)
  9. 100 Squats
  10. 100 American Hammers (L/R = 1)
  11. 100 Mountain Climbers
  12. 100 Plank Shoulder Taps (L/R = 1)
  13. 100 Plank Jacks
  14. 100 High Knees (L/R = 1)
  15. 100 Turkish Get-ups
  16. 100 Crab Cakes (L/R= 1)
  17. Finisher (Start as a group once previous 16 x 100 exercises are complete_)_: 100 Yard Bear Crawl to the Shovel Flag & complete 76 Burpees!

The order of the workout will be: A.) 1776 yard run together; B.) 1-16 in whatever order you want; C.) Bear Crawl / Burpee finisher together. Depending on numbers, we can spread out by splitting the PAX - 1 group at the shelter by the lower soccer field; another across the street at the playground / smaller shelter

Badges of Honor/Pain

PATRIOT: Split the list with one fellow PAX. Both do full bear crawl before sharing the final burpees. AMERICAN EAGLE: Complete the list solo.


Further thanks to Biner for relinquishing his scheduled FoD Q to allow for the convergence.

If folks want to bring coolers of water, gatorade, etc., I don’t think it would go to waste.

Sky Blue, you’re always welcome to join us. But I can’t promise you won’t bear the brunt of Hermes’ jokes!