Care and feeding of a Crazy Train

It was hot.  No, seriously, it was hot.  And the train was late. And there was a Pimento Cheese street festival bearing down on us like an ill names Hurricane in June.  So as you can see, it was the perfect CATSUP. Disco, Dice, and I posted at Phoenix for a Kitty beat down. After an excellent beat down, we circled up and made sure we we had coolers, water, sports drinks and fruit.  With plan in hand, we departed.

I swung by the train station on my way to the location of the first water/aid station.  The PAX were gathered, waiting on the train. I picked up a few bits and pieces so nobody had to carry anything extra and left as the PAX was circling up for a warm up.  I figured if didn’t want to be around if someone called Monkey Humpers at the train station.

I found the shovel flag and cooler Old Maid left at the Art Museum where he figured Whiplash would be a great warm-up for this.  I was setting up my easy chair when Disco showed up. We set up the pop-tent when dice rolled in. Seeing how we are premium grade support, and not the average grade you get when you dial 1-800, we had all brought chairs.  We sat down, put our feet up, and started telling lies and solving the world’s problems. At a tick after 10, Old Maid announced they had started. At two ticks after 10, Dice’s phone dinged. His M wanted to know if Bo Jackson was ok.  It appears that before Saturday, Bo Jackson had never run more than 4 miles all in a row. But when he heard about the Crazy Train, he just had to try!

We were getting edgy around 10:50 or so but then we spotted Sky Blue and FNG Barista.  We waved them in and started feeding and watering the horses. Quickly after that, everyone rolled up in singles and small groups.  Water, gatorade and fruit was handed out. Dice brought chocolate and I think some of the PAX broke out in song. YHC was not under the test when the Art Museum Police showed up but the Art Museum Police appear to take a dim view of tailgating.  Little do they know that tailgating involves a lot more beer, but I suppose it *is* the Art Museum. Fortunately Dice was able to convince them that we were on the up and up and that we would be leaving shortly. Word to the wise, next year, set up further away from the Art Museum.

A couple of PAX showed up in bad shape.  One wasn’t sweating. Fortunately we were able to sit them down in the shade.  They forced fluids and agreed to let us drive them to the next aid stations. A huge thank you from Disco, Dice and YHC at your leadership in choosing to know when you needed a break!  

After all the runners had left, we broke camp and left for the Reedy Creek entrance to Umstead park.  We dropped coolers and chairs in the shade in the park at the intersection of basically Harrison Ave and Reedy Creek Lake Trail and waited.  The two PAX who rode with us started feeling much better and started stretching out, getting ready to finish. Disco went down the hill to meet the runners.  Shortly thereafter, Sky Blue and Barista run up the hill and hit the coolers. The orange slices were a bit hit. Once again, the Park Ranger rolled up and wanted to know what we were doing and did we have an event permit.  Once again Dice explained to her that this was more of a “one off crazy thing we do, not an event as such”. It’s getting to the point a group of guys can’t set up a cooler and a bunch of chairs without getting harassed by the law!  But of course, Dice, being the “the guy who smooths things over” was able to get on her good side and she left telling us to have fun. Once again, runners trickled in talking about steep hills and bad ideas. Disco, having a sixth sense about these things, as well as the only support staff wearing running shoes as Dice and THC opting for sandals, went looking for the 6.  As Dice and YHC bugged out to try and beat Sky Blue and Barista back to BO, Disco found the 6 and brought them home to the aid stations. A true HIM move!

As I drove down Harrison Ave. to the end of the trek, I passed all the runners.  Everyone looked like they were doing well. They all knew the trek ended at BO so that’s where YHC went.  Of course, BO was a staggeringly popular place that morning due to the First Annual Pimento Cheese Festival.  Lovely, the parking lot is full. Fortunately, the churches ZOE mission team was wrapping up a yard sale in the small parking lot.  They let me park there so I was able to be ready for the runners. About the time I had everything unloaded, Sky Blue and Barista show up.  The rest is history. The runners showed up, collapsed, drank, complained, and made plans for next year.


  • Thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve.  It has been a difficult couple of weeks for a variety of reason.  Serving support for the Crazy Train was an opportunity to get out my my head so do something for someone else.
  • I need to drink more water.  
  • To the support team, Thank you, it was a pleasure to work with you!  
  • Very little substitutes for youth.  At the end of this, Bo Jackson looks like he could have run a few more miles.  Nice work on your first half marathon!
  • No, I have no desire to run this next year.  But I will be happy to be a part of support.

See also