Capture the Duck (not of the Disco variety)

This was my third Q in the seven months posting with F3…my goal is to accelerate that number this year (see what I did there?). I have experienced a clear, positive change in my life since I began coming out and I am grateful. Grateful to Denali and Captain Jack for encouraging me to jump in and welcoming me and to the rest of the PAX, even those I don’t know well, for setting an example. Enough of that…here’s how things unfolded today:

Warmup: Shortly after the EC thoroughbreds cruised in, we pledged our allegiance to the flag and mosey’d to the parking lot across the street for pregame moves…Good Mornings, STH, Sir Fazio Arm Circles, Merkins and Calf Stretches - all IC with varying rep counts. The chatter was super strong to incredibly strong.

RE-cross the street to the sidewalk by Symphony Lake….

Thang 1: The PAX partnered up and then ran in opposite directions. When partners reunited on the other side, 15 partner Merkins…keep going until they meet again and then 15 WWIIs. Do it up again…this time with 5 partner Merkins. Time was becoming a

noticeable factor and I could not abandon Thang 2, so we all ran to the parking lot where Dudes Solve things.

Thang 2: Capture the Duck was the goal and we split into four groups for four corners of fun. The duck sat regal in the middle to watch and judge.

Corner 1 - 200 Merkins (combined); Corner 2 - 200 Fast Feet (combined); Corner 3 - 200 Sumo squats (combined); Corner 4 - 200 LBCs (you guessed it). After each exercise was completed the group ran a loop around the giant inflatable duck. First group to finish all four corners and get to the center got to take the duck……back to the parking lot, I need that for work.

Mary: YHC has not hit the stride of timing to leave enough for Mary, so we rolled back to the flag with only seconds to spare…Have a nice day.

Announcements: Some donut shop (forget the name) has a running race and is serving their wares this coming weekend…not sure about details, ask Joe Smith. Rumors confirmed, Hermes has a Q on Saturday….Whiplash will never be the same.

Prayers and Praises: Congrats! to Staubach’s 2.0 for getting accepted to multiple area engineering schools. There was some friendly/not so friendly banter on the merits of each institution, but regardless, huge accomplishment. There were mentions at several AOs today about the tragic passing of Kobe Bryant, his daughter and seven others in a helicopter crash on Sunday. For me, it just reinforced the age old concept that tomorrow is not promised and we should live life with that in mind and be mindful of this truth in our relationships present and past.

YHC took the crew out. I appreciate the support today, men.

See also