Can't Take It Anymore!

YHC saw the open slot on the Q sheet last week but realized it was the day after Tobacco Road, my first half marathon, and thought it might not be wise to sign up. Sunday afternoon rolled around and the sheet was still blank, and with no worse than slightly tender feet and sore quads, I thought, “eh, what the heck. I’ll probably fartsack otherwise.” 4:30 arrived with the unnerving punctuality that early Monday mornings tend to possess, and we were off to the races with plenty of time for me to sit in the truck and plan my Q. The spectacular OTB TRM put on by the HIM of Carpex must have had somewhat of an impact, as neither Mohawk or Revere did any running prior to the ME.

0530 arrives and off we go with a smaller crowd than normal, which was not unanticipated. The plus side is we have plenty of bells so the PAX don’t have to share. A lap around both parking lots felt awesome on tight muscles, so we did another one for fun. Circle up for SSH x25, Runners Stretch and Calf Stretch because someone is sore, and GM x7ish for Crimson.

Back to the flag, 10 burpees OYO because Revere looked cold. Partner up for some DORA, everyone grab a bell. P1 get to work on 100 KB swings, 200 curls, and 300 LBCs, P2 socially distance yourself from your partner and go do 5 pull-ups(modify as necessary). YHC provided music because music is good. The playlist consisted mainly of AC/DC, Van Halen, and Led Zeppelin, but a few rounds in we had to rock out to some T. Swift by request from Earhart and Water Wings.

Over to the basketball hoop where we discovered a convenient cardboard box with some instructions scrawled on it in Sharpie. Do the first round, run to the bottom of the parking lot, 5 burpees, run back. Repeato, adding a round every time. Wahoo lamented the fact that we didn’t get to the Manmakers. 

10 Overhead Presses

20 Curls

20 Lawn Mowers(10 each side)

30 Halos(audible to 20)

20 Rock Your Body 

10 Manmakers

Hammers and Freddie Mercs(thanks Intimidator)

Have a Nice Day


Announcements-Burgaw trip(but I think this is postponed)

Trunk coffee is off as of right now due to COVID-19 concerns

Prayers/praises for everyone with everything up in the air and shut down for coronavirus. 

YHC took us out, we refrained from typical BOM.


Smaller group than normal, no doubt to to SD concerns and post-marathon sacking. PAX are approaching this in a lot of different ways. Some are electing to stay at home, others such as myself will continue to post but with precautions. There are a ton of different viewpoints right now, but there is no doubt we all need wisdom to know how to handle the situation. Encouraging to see how folks work together, prayers that the Lord will give us supernatural grace and wisdom.

BB title was inspired by Bubba and David Lee Roth.


It’s a Long Way To The Top(If You Wanna Rockn’Roll)-AC/DC

Ain’t Talking Bout Love-Van Halen

Should Have Said No-Taylor Swift

How Many More Times-Led Zeppelin

Romeo Delight-Van Halen

Rock and Roll Ain’t Noise Pollution-AC/DC

Ice Cream Man-Van Halen

See also