Cancel culture calls on Claymore

YHC signed up for the Claymore Q on Sunday. It’s a fun AO with some of the world’s heaviest rocks. And a great place to give the feet a bit of a rest.

It also has some of CARPEx’s most worldly site-Qs, some of whom are known to be so busy that they barely make it to the AO on time most days. So it was not a surprise that there were more ladies in the parking lot at 5:40AM than there were representatives of CARPEx’s finest.

Being no stranger to small groups, I was looking forward to partnering up with whoever was staying warm in their pickup and have at it.

5:44 and WWW finally decides its time to leave the warm embrace of his cab and join me. By this time, my core temp has dropped some and I’m ready to go. But just as it’s time to call the first warmup exercise, headlights are seen pulling into the parking lot.

“About damn time Frisco showed up with the flag,” muttered one of us.

But surprisingly it was not the mouthiest of CARPExers, but a fresh faced and exceedingly bundled up (but gloveless) new guy who got out.

Welcome to Farm Aid, newly arrived from the West Coast (the Pepperdine hoodie was a dead giveaway). Two weeks in the area and he’s already checking out all the new locales.


SSH, GM, Squats, Sir Fazio, something else.


  1. Pick up a rock for:
    • Curls 20x followed by alligator merkins to the top of the parking lot + 10 squats
    • Tricep extensions 20x followed by lunges to the TOTPL + 10 squats
    • Overhead presses 20x followed by rock crab walks to the TOTPL + 10 squats
    • Rock rows 20x followed by rock push bear crawls to the TOTPL + 10 squats
    • some other stuff at the bottom that I don’t remember
  2. Mosey to the baseball field for:
    • Grizzly bear crawls (Burpees on my grizzly) to the outfield fence
    • mosey back
    • Jack webbs 1:4
    • mosey to the fence
    • wall sit
    • lunge walk back

10 minutes of Mary (it may have been 12)

lots of core stuff including Dying Cockroaches, obliques, LBC, Freddy Merks, H2M, heel touches, etc etc

Finished off with some supermen


3: one hate, one MEH, one respect

Prayers for healing and all those touched by the pandemic

Announcements: check Slack for Friday details. NYD start times are being adjusted


  • Sometime between Sunday and Tuesday afternoon, Claymore went from being a Pierogi Q to CANCELLED. Not sure what happened there but let it be known, I had no idea. I am thankful for WWW and Farm Aid joining me though for a low-mileage beatdown with the slightly less heavy versions of the Claymore rocks
  • Confession: I broke my rock.

See also