Can drink bourbon without egg nog

Date: November 29 2019

AO: Danger Zone

QIC: Wrench

PAX: Ollie, WWW, Callahan, Free Lunch, Disco Duck, Wrench

Last minute switch to take the Q this morning, and having posted here only a couple of times, had to dig deep. With no FNGs, we did a quick mission statement and got to work.

Warm up:

Good mornings

Calf stretches 10 count

Tricep stretch 10 count.

Thang 1: The “Boulder Shoulder Dora”. Really, half Dora. 50 Lion Kings, 100 Rock-Your-Bodies, 150 Rows with some “fun” looking rocks. Really great way to burn off the second plate of stuffing.

Thang 2: 11s, Mike Tyson’s on one side, Catalina Wine Mixers on the other. To make it more fun, we didn’t run, we did Walking Lunges. Heard all the Merkins would make Ma Bell proud.

Debate was the turkey vs ham, best dessert (apple pie, of course), sweet potato pie vs pumpkin pie, and liquid refreshment, including the wisdom of Disco Duck to drink bourbon without egg nog.

Mary: round the circle. Blowout joined us for Mary, to lead the second posting. BoxCutters, Hello Dolly’s, Rosalitas, Dying Cockroaches, Low Slow Flutters, and have a nice day.

Announcements - Christmas party, New Year’s convergence.

Prayers/Praises - Callahan’s MRI, travel for the Holidays, Magoo and our troops.

Disco Duck took us out.