
DOW:  4/3/18 QIC:  Flip Flop PAX:  can’t remember, but there were either 11 or 13.

Yeah I forgot to write the BB, but @shutincarpex so kindly reminded me.  So here’t is…as best I remember.

I literally had never been to FMJ.  The M works out on Tuesdays, so I stay at home and get my girls ready for the day, which is usually not quite up to the wife’s standards.  You know, wake up late, girls in mis-matching clothing, shoes on wrong feet, toothpaste in unbrushed hair….or hair that has been poorly put up in a ponytail, Count Choc-u-La for breakfast.  You get the idea. So I google earthed the FMJ site and read a few BBs to get an idea of the terrain.  That night I dreamed of Q’ing FMJ and receiving a custom F3 FMJ koozie……like a badge of honor!  So cool!  Plus wanted to see my FMJ co-site Qs… bros Shank and McCants, and get the OK for the beatdown. Alas, no McCants was on site—he was skeered.  I asked Shank if it was safe to run around the Salem Pond.  I mean, it looked super dark.  Shank wasn’t thrilled, but Half exclaimed that he’d done it!  I went with Shank’s advice.

Warm Up:  jog around that lil Gherkin pickle twice and circle up for some in perfect cadence GM, Fazios, IWs, Saturday Night Stretch.  Then jog to the @michelobcarpex Hillock.  I quickly figured out that a lot of FMJ features are named after some of the PAX.  The Hillock was in honor of Michelob.

Thang 1:  partner up at the top of Hillock. Partner 1 runs down to the tree and back while Partner 2 quickly performs 5 reps of SSH, PJ, and Merkins.  Flip flop.  Repeato running to the next tree…and so on until ran to all 4 trees at bottom of Hillock.

Then 2 lines Bataan Death March until we got to the mini playground.  Dips, E2K, and Airplanes. 2 x 10.  Jog towards the football field, but stop at the 3-bar railing for ascending Derkins x 10 each.  Jog to football field to the goal post.

Thang 2:  Partner Up.  Perform underhand pull ups on goal post, flip flop with partner.  Sprint to 50 yd line for partner Derkins and partner WWIIs.  Sprint to other goal post for overhand pull-ups, flip flop with partner.  Repeato to 50 yard line and other goal post for more pull ups.

2 line Indian Run around the track, then keep running to @plainpocket “Banjo” Hill.  Thang 3: I guess Banjo Q’d a memorable round of 11s on that hill that about kilt everybody.  We opted for Jacob’s Ladder with Burpee Star Jumps at the top.  Near the top of the hill Parker stepped in some kind of gopher hole and twisted his ankle…….now known as Parker’s Hole…..and it seemed bad, and I felt horrible.  But after a few minutes he was up performing the rest of the Jacob’s Ladder and all was good.    Finish up at the bottom of the hill for 2 sets of quick feet on the parking lines. Mosey to the first round-a-bout in front of the school.

Thang 4:  Partner Up and sprint in opposite directions.  When you meet, perform Bropees and Booya Merkins.  3 sets.  Rest with Two Amigos x 20 count.

2 Lines jog back to the Shovel Flag.  COT with all men sharing thoughts of the morning and prayer requests.  Parker took us out like a champ.

NMS: FMJ is a great place to Q.  I would encourage everyone to get out there and wish I could attend more often. ******You get a F3 Koozie when you Q at FMJ*****   Awesome idea!

See also