Calm Before the Storm


  • 11 HIM joined YHC for a calm-before-the-brr-storm workout at BH.

The Warmup

  • Pledge of Allegiance at the flag
  • Run to the community center, paint the lines.
  • Circle up for: SSH, St. Merkins, Freddie Mercuries, Imperial Walkers.

The Thang****s

  • Grab a partner.

  • 7’s/Catch Me if You Can: drop and do five Merkins while your partner backpedals across the parking lot, sprint to catch him. Then, your partner drops for five Merkins while you backpedals. When he catches you, flap jack. Catch your partner seven times.

  • On the way out of the lot, at four consecutive light poles, drop for 5,10,15,20 mountain climbers IC.

  • Run to the skate park.

  • EH the Bruisers to join in for:

  • 7’s: bear crawl to the top of the skate park and perform 3sec. Superman holds, jog to the bottom for LBCs. Pick up the six.

  • While the Bruisers continue in their own, run to the far end of the field for circuits of: 20 sec. BTTW hold then run to the stairs for 5 Peter Parker Merkins.

  • Run back to the flag.

  • Stretch

Forward fold, left and right.

Monkey Humper stretch

Plank calf stretch, lat stretch.

Runner stretch/pigeon stretch L/R.

Fold up slowly.

Quad stretch L/R.

Michael Phelps arms.


  • BRR talk will finally cease this week.

See also