Callahan = nudnik

3 for EC: Chipper, Flip Flop, Francois.
1 ran to BO from his house ~3.4 miles: Pierogi

Humidity at time of Bootcamp: 91%
Dew Point at time of Bootcamp: 74
Tank Tops at time of Bootcamp: 41.6% (weak)

At 5:45 sharp YHC orated a perfect F3 and COVID disclaimer…..only to be badgered by Callahan that it was taking too long. Callahan (and it was obvious he woke up on the wrong side of the bed) said “I am ready to workout”!

As the 12 of us performed our warm-up jog, Angry Callahan continued his nonsense and complaining banter. jeeeez he’s annoying! We did some butt kicks, side skips, and carioca as we jogged over to the new grassy area at the spot of the old library, and initiated a warm-up. I nixed my perfect typical warm-up because my F3 cousin in Richmond told me to try some of their exercises. Lemme tell ya, these exercises were terrible and didn’t go over well with the PAX at all…..and the PAX let me know about it loud and clear. Besides some standard GM, MC, and merkins, we also tried some Imperial Squat Walkers and some Tennessee Rocking Chairs. Stupid Richmond exercises. Cally continued to smack his gums.
From there we moseyed towards the new library parking deck, but did stop along the way for some Johnny Dramas (AKA Bartman calf raises), LBCs, Flutter Kicks, and Freddie Mercs. Callahan continued to be angry for some reason.
Then we shuffled over to the parking deck starting on Floor 2 and we did this Thang 1:
Run up a floor in the parking area (not staircase) and perform B.O.M.B.S at reps x 2 of the Floor level (i.e. 6 reps of each if on Floor 3). Run back down a floor for x 20 SSH. Run up 2 floors for B.O.M.B.S. Repeato until we get to the top, which is the 7th floor.
At that point we did some People’s Chair, some planks, and some Dancing Chilcuts. We then admired the view from the top. Callahan was still pissy. In fact, after being all pissy about the disclaimer taking so long, he couldn’t wait to get back to The Shovel Flag. “The workout isn’t going to end on time! We need to get back!” WhoaIsMe Callahan! Relax bro, YHC knows what he’s doing.
From there, the PAX ran to the bottom of the parking deck and Callahan thought we were running back to The Shovel Flag. However, we ran over to the grassy hill, which is were we commenced the coolest looking exercise ever: Ride The Wave. Everyone was enjoying it and having a great time, but Callahan grumbled about ruining our tax dollar Cary grass.
Lastly, we jogged to the BO Billy Line and performed a Billy Run to The Shovel Flag.
In fact, we circled up for count-a-rama at literally the stroke of 6:30. I may have shot Cally a sideways sneerful glance.

Circle Of Man
Count-a-rama: 12
Name-a-rama: Good mix of Respects, Mehs, and 1 Hate (Callahan)
Prayers for VHS friend who is sick. Prayers for Loom’s daughter for good decision making.
YHC discussed the merits of being a leader in unOrdinary times.
Callahan took us out like a pro.

Nekkid Mole Skin
* YHC joined Chipper and Francois for EC run. Those dudes are fast! I stopped to pee at mile 3 and noticed on my Garmin that I was running significantly slower by myself. A testament that you get better with others.
* YHC and Press On both sported #22 gear today; him a jersey, and me shorts. It’s a great number. Nobody else was wearing numbers or……
* ……..tank tops. Look, I never get to post at BO nearly as much as I would like, and the one time I show up only ~40% are wearing tank tops. In this humidity, that’s weak!
* Speaking of humidity. Dudes were soaking wet! It was very very very unfortunate that it was the first time ever YHC forgot to put towels in the car. YHC and Pierogi just completely saturated my cloth seats, which meant that my Old Navy Wrinkle Free khakis got wet on the way to work, which meant I had to stick my butt in the air at the hand drying machine at work. just not a good look.
* Ok, ok, Callahan was an enormous pain in the ass today. However that being said, the last couple workouts that we were both at, he completely crushed! He was way up in the front for all the running/BOMBS. Impressive. Still a pain in the ass though.

twas a pleasure,
flip flop

See also