By The Power of Grayskull

All right, maybe not. But the GPS made an interesting pattern and there were a bunch of He-Men out at Gran Torino this AM: 10 Boot Camp, 6 Runners, and 4 Ruckers. Disclaimer disclaimed to FNG Steve

Beaker’s beginnings (The Warm-Up)
Mosey around the school, stopping along the way at some spots along the way for:
Accelerating Side-Straddle Hops
Sir-Fazio Arm Circles
Wille-Mays Hayes
Daisy Pickers
Mountain Climbers

Beaker’s Beatdown (The Thang)
Part I - Everyone in a low-plank hold for instructions. Partner up. Partner 1 runs the Figure-8, with 1 Burpee at the intersection while Partner 2 did AMRAP Shoulder Tap Merkins (Tap-Tap-Merkin). Flapjack. Repeat with Imperial Walker and Squats (Knee-Knee-Squat) and 2 Burpees at the intersection. Finish with the BCHH (Slack or GroupMe pronunciation is OYO). Boat-Canoe-Hammer-Hammer. 3 burpees at the intersection.
Part II - Mosey back to the front playground where there was a basketball court that seemed beastly and a perfect spot to make up for the failure to complete Noah’s Beastly Ark at FOD. 6 exercises, repped 6 times, at 6 stations.
-Gorilla Walk with 6x Monkey-Humpers at each
-Bunny Hop with 6x Squats at each
-Bear Crawl with 6x Carolina Dry Donkeys at each (not a typo - from the bear crawl, start a CDD, then kick your legs up so that your arms are slightly flexed during the Donkey kick, it is a great exercise)
-Duck walk with 6x Little-Man Jumping Jacks at each
-Crab Walk with 6x Low-Country Crabs at each
-Dragon Walks with 6x Merkins at each.

Beaker’s Bellies (The Mary)
Despite calorie burns in the 500s and heart rates in the 170s, Pivot informed me we did not have the mileage to qualify as high-tempo, and that our FNG would be disappointed. So, I audibled to a Hussein Bolt Mary and the PAX got a few extra steps in.

Beaker’s Beatitudes (The COT)
20 total: 10 for Boot Camp, 6 for Run, 4 for Rolling Stone
Welcome FNG Schroeder - a High-tempo for a first go is a great achievement, we’ll see you out more in the gloom, I hope.
- New AOs popping up like daffodils right now - BOLO. Joga (Jogging, then Yoga) at Carpenter park on Monday at 0530
- Liverpool for healing
- Carol (Pet Sounds’ co-worker - who I just read passed away this morning) - for solace in the face of an aggressive return of breast cancer. For peace and comfort to her husband.

See also