Busto di Glutei


11 PAX brought their workout clothes to work (or hurried home to change) and met YHC on the Ambassador Loop for a “sans-winkie” Q. Let’s do this.

The Warmup

- Pledge of Allegiance at the Shovel Flag - Jog around the parking lot, painting the lines along the way, circle up for warm up - Happy Jacks; Cotton Pickers, Crabjacks; Wide-Grip SLOW Merkins; Imperial Walkers; Wolverines (of course) - Run to the deck, grab a pain stick

The Thang

- Lunge walk + curls for gurls to up the first ramp; 20 LBC’s - Side lunge + pain stick on your shoulders up the second ramp; 20 Dying Cockroaches - Backward lunge + hold your stick up the third ramp; 20 Low Slow Flutters - Sprint with your stick up the fourth ramp + Sprint with your stick up the fifth ramp; 20 Freddie Merks - AYG with your stick; down the stairs; return the stick to the pile - Run to the flag, circle up for Mary


- Bay City Scissors; Sweat Angels; Boat/Canoe (for Crimson)


- Folded Arm Hang; move to the right and left - Pigeon stretch L/R - Achilles Stretch L/R - Sumo Squat Stretch; slow roll up


See also