Burpees & Presidential Candidates

  • Opening – Was a little nervous as if was very close to 6:30 and only about 10 Pax in attendance. I was happy to see cars arriving 2 minutes late knowing burpees would be in store for all!
  • Warm-up – Mosey around the parking lot and circle up. SSH’s, good mornings, calf stretch, sir fazio’s, daisy pickers, and everyone’s new favorite The Goofball was called.
  • The Thang – Mosey to the rock pile at adjacent parking lot and every other Pax pick up a rock. Time for Squat Potato. Rocks circled around about 3 times, quick 10 count break and reverse direction with rock.
    Time for Balls to the Wall, pax 10 count down the line.
    Circle up again for Jack Webb.
    Mosey down the street. Went looking for parking lot but it was really dark so settled for the middle of the street under the lights. Circled up for Climate Change. Which is hold position in Al Gore until I call a burpee. 5 reps over about 5 minutes of holding.
    Mosey to playground. Split into 2 groups. Group #1 did left-right step ups on bench while group #2 did 5 Burp-ups. Switch and repeato twice.
    Mosey to boat dock. Again split into 2 groups. Group #1 did dips on the picnic tables while group #2 did Stairbarrows. Switch and repeato twice.
    Mosey to the hill for Burpee Dans, 1 burpee followed by 2 lunges, repeato to the top of the hill. This was then followed by 2 rounds of Bernie Sanders, backwards run up the hill. Feel the Bern.
  • Mosey to sidewalk for Yul Brynner, magnificent 7 merkins. 7 different merkins with 7 reps each.
    Now Indian Run to the flag.
  • Mary – pax called out American hammers, homer to marge, flutter kicks, and dying cockroaches. And couldn’t forget our penalty burpees.
  • Announcements - Thanksgiving Day convergence at BO.
  • Who took us out - Freebird

See also