Burpees for Days

11 PAX joined YHC at Bond Park this morning for a great start to the weekend. It is good to see things returning to somewhat normal slowly after the last few weeks of staying home. YHC signed up to Q for accountability. If your name is on the Q sheet, theres a very high likelihood you will make it to the work out. After several weeks ‘off’ it is good to make sure you get up when the alarm goes off.

Honestly, I didn’t have a plan, but Bond Park has so much to offer it is easy to Q on the fly.

Warm up:

  • Mosey to the bottom parking lot for:
  • SSH
  • GM
  • Windmills
  • Sir Fazio (forward and reverse)
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Mountain Climbers
  • 10 Merkins OYO

Thing 1:

  • Mosey around the parking lot to the first light poll.
  • Run to stop sign stopping at every light poll for burpees. One burpee per poll for each day you fartsacked this week (max of 3, I had to go easy on Crimson).

Thing 2:

  • Mosey to parking lot behind playground, split into two groups for social distancing for 11’s. Star Jumps and Squats.
  • Bearpee up to 5 across parking lot. If you don’t know the bearpee its pretty awful.

Thing 3:

  • Mosey to the big shelter and partner up for Dora 100-100-100. Step ups, Dips, Urkins while partner runs the parking lot loop.

Thing 4:

  • Split into 3 groups, group 1 up kiosk hill at 80%, then group 2, and group 3. Trying to social distance. Waiting groups do a Mary exercise.
  • Repeat.
  • Jog to white line at intersection for all you got (or 80%) back to the flag. 3 groups randomly created by birth month.


  • LBC
  • Homer to marge
  • Freddie Mercury
  • American Hammers
  • Box cutters (Thanks Deuce!)
  • Have a nice day


  • Injured PAX
  • Big red travel to Florida this week
  • YHC’s cousin that had open heart surgery on Wednesday


  • YHC does enjoy Q’ing a solid beat down. If a man is going to get up early and commit to the gloom a proper beatdown should be provided.
  • Always modify anything as needed, don’t hurt yourself!
  • This social distancing is hard on all of us. It was a a nice mental health boost to lead such a fine group today!
  • Be the good in the world, watch your words, and look forward to the day this is all behind us.

See also