Burpees, Bears, and Blocks! Oh my!

For my VQ, I thought it best to combine some of my least and therefore most memorable workouts over my last six months in F3. The two Q’s who I got the most from was Banjo and Wahoo. These two Q’s provided the inspiration for burpees and blocks. In order to increase the alliteration in the title of the workout, I did some digging in the Exicon to find an exercise that combined bear crawls and cinder blocks. Believe it or not, one does exist.

We started with the pledge and YHC took off a bit fast for a warm up run. Thanks to my helpful PAX, everyone made it safely across Olive Chapel Rd even though I left a few PAX behind. We finished our warm up run at the stone circle.

Warm Up:

  • Daisy Pickers
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Sir Fazio Fwd
  • Sir Fazio Reverse
  • Left Runner’s Stretch
  • Forearm Stretch - While in plank, point fingers toward your toes and shift your weight toward your feet. Feels wonderful.
  • Right Runner’s Stretch
  • FingerTip Merkin - Just as it sounds. I have been trying to improve my grip strength and have found these helpful.

Thang 1: Burpees Up the Hill

Quick run up Kelly road hill with five burpees at each intersection. Ran to the Culver’s parking lot where 17 cinder blocks and a flip chart awaited us.

Thang 2: Bears and Blocks

Partnered up and partner one bear crawled while pushing the block across the parking lot toward the flip chart. Partner two ran the pickle.

Thang 3: Cinder Block Pyramids

Worked through the five rounds below. Once round 5 was done, we went back to round 1. I should have done a better job explaining it, but the PAX picked it up quickly.

2 Man Makers → 20 Squat Thrusters
4 Man Makers → 40 Rows
6 Man Makers → 60 Overhead Press
8 Man Makers → 80 Curls
10 Man Makers → 100 Squats w/ Block

With about 6 minutes to go, we piled the coupons in my van and ran back to the flag.


  • LBCs
  • Pickle Pounders
  • World War Twos (with a voice crack on the 8th rep courtesy of YHC)
  • Homer to Marge

3rd F

Read James 1:2-4 and gave a quick thank you for the last six months of encouragement. God has really used F3 to test me physically and mentally during this period. My family is in the middle of a long adoption process, work is extremely demanding, and my kids are growing up in front of my eyes. F3 gives me another reason to get up, study scripture, run, and get a beat down all before I start my day. I thank God for F3 and all of you who have made this group great.

COR - 25 / 2 Respects


New AO Hooville at 5:45am on Wednesday
Raleigh Mule on March 14

Prayers and Praises:

  • YHC’s friend Andy cancer is spreading. Prayer that God will heal him.
  • Wahoo’s coworker Steve Baker had a heart attack and is doing well.
  • Sub is heading to Lithuania for three weeks. Prayer for traveling mercies and strength for his wife while he is away.
  • Revere’s former senior pastor is in the hospital and needed to be put into a medically induced coma. Prayer for continued improvement.
  • Forceps in South Wake lost his oldest son. Prayers for comfort.

Wahoo tooks us out.

See also