Burpee-cides and Bear Crawls 04Sep18

Descending from a Labor Day Weekend mountain-top experience of Rainbow Trout, Largemouth Bass, and campfires was hard enough.  But when the first two sentences spoken to me were “Sky Blue was worried you wouldn’t make it.” and “Can we use your Old Glory calf condoms as a shovel flag?”, I knew we needed to re-instill some semblance of order and discipline in Carpex (amiright, Nantan?).  Standards have to be met and exceeded here people.  Welcome to Tighten Up Tuesday at FOD - maybe this will catch on.

Beaker’s Beginnings (The Warm-Up)

Courtesy of the irresponsible site Qs’ lack of a proper flag, 5 burpees OYO.

Jog a big figure 8 around the parking lot across to the other and back to the shovel fl…oh wait.  High knees, butt kickers, side shuffles and high skips along the way.

Wide stance for:

10x Windmills

10x Willie-Mays Hayes

10x Good Mornings

10x Cotton Pickers and

10x Merkins for good measure

Grab a partner and a rock and mosey to the basketball court.

Beaker’s Beatdown (The Thang)

Part I

Partner 1 runs burpee-cides (1 burpee at the first hoops, 2 burpees between the courts, 3 burpees at the second hoops, and 4 burpees at the far sideline) while Partner 2 knocks out AMRAP curls.  Since it’s Tighten Up Tuesday, those are perfect form curls - lock the elbows and no Homer-to-Marge-ing to build momentum.  When your form lags, take a 10-count and start again.  Flap jack.

THIS TIME - same thing, but tricep extensions

THIS TIME - same thing, but presses

THIS TIME - backward run the burpee-cides and rock row

Rocks away, but keep your partner, then meet back up at the shov…dang!

Part II

I’ve heard a lot about the BRR lately, but nothing of the BCR - Bear Crawl Relay.  Which is a shame, because it really puts a two-man team to the test.  Partner 1 starts bear crawling the parking lot while Partner 2 runs around the parking lot in the opposite direction.  When they meet, switch roles.  Continue until the bear crawl completes the entire loop.  Sadly, we were running out of time and couldn’t move on to the LWR (lunge-walk relay).

Beaker’s Bellies (The Mary)

Head back to the basketball courts and line up for some Hussein Mary Bolt.  PAX at the end of the line calls Mary and runs to the other end and back while PAX perform AMRAP OYO.  Proceed down the line - we made it through about half the PAX.  WWIIs, Peter Parkers, Merkins, Dying Cockroaches, American Hammers, Supermans, Low Slow Flutters, Imperial Walkers (clench the core and it’s Mary), Homer to Marges all featured.

Beaker’s Benediction (The COT)

Count-o-rama/Name-o-rama: 18


-9/11 stair climb next Tuesday, FMJ is open, FOD is NOT


- Loom’s daughter is home and medication is working to control depression - continued prayers for her struggle

- 1-4’s daughter shaved a year off his age!  Actually, just corrected his addled mind’s recollection of his age

- Praise for Nature Boy’s 20-years of blissful marriage, and his wife’s burgeoning patience and commitment

- Prayers for the BRRers this weekend, safety and accomplishment

YHC took us out

Beaker’s BS (The NMS)

- No Flag?!  Seriously?!  I feel like 5 penalty burpees was way too lenient

- Penalty burpees are a great warm up

- You don’t have to go far to log distance.  I think we easily cleared 2 miles while only venturing about 100yd radius from the shovel f…….DANG IT!

- Comments about Pivot’s WIlle Mayes Hayes form and Kilmer’s preference for Homer-to-Marge and the PAXs’ collective inability to properly get them up can be further discussed in GroupMe

- Burpee-cides, bear crawl relays, and weather only slightly cooler and drier than an Indian sweat lodge = minimal mumble chatter

- No Burt, no Callahan, no High-lighter = minimal mumblechatter

- 1-4 was 14 in Count-o-rama…complete coincidence, but special.

- Sky Blue’s request to the TOC for reduced humidity was declined…maybe we can make more headway with Apex.  Hot Spot?

- Franklin must have had a rollicking good time in Boone this weekend, he showed up sporting a solid 3-day scruff…could his beard match his coif?

See also